

02月19日 编辑 39baobao.com

[高考英语作文中能够加分的句子或短语]1. According to a recent survey, four million people die each year from diseases linked to smoking. 依照最近的一项调查,每年有4,000,000人死于与吸烟有关的疾病。 2....+阅读

Anintroduction of a placeHaveyou ever been to the Summer Palace? As an ancient garden with a long history,it attracts lots of tourists all over the world every year.It'sa good place to relax yourself. TheKunming Lake is famous for its clean water. People like to go boating there.And around the lake, you can sit under the tree, enjoying the lake and mountain,you can also take a pleasant walk, you can even do a lot of outdoor activities.It is great to climb the Wanshou Mountain. When you get to the top, you willfind another new world.My favoritecollection Everyonelikes collections, so do I. Different people have different collections. Myfavorite collection is collecting stamps.Ihave been collecting stamps for 5 years. The first one I ever got was a stampof the Olympic Games on my 8th birthday. My grandpa gave it to me asa birthday gift. Now I keep more than 200 of them and have run out of all mypocket money. I'd like to start a club, so we can share and exchange stampsthere.Ilike collecting stamps because it can not only make my after-class-life morewonderful and meaningful but also open up my eyes to the outside world. Themore stamps I have, the more I will learn.In the modern society ,we become more and more awareof our living environment or natural environment , because we have realizedthat our environment is not as clean as before. Pollution is a serious problemin the world now. As we all know , the environment pollution is more and moreserious during these years . Trees on the hills have been cut down and wastewater is being pour into the rivers . Furthermore, wherever we go today , wecan find that rubbish everywhere.The earth is our home and we have the duty to takecare of it. What we could do is to try our best to protect our environment. Asa human being, we should also make our contribution to protecting it and makeit remain clean. We should plant trees and flowers because they can stop thesand from blowing towards our city. We'd better use paper bags instead of plastic ones. Everyone must keep ourenvironment clean and fight against the pollution, We hope in the future therewill be less pollution and the earth will become more and more beautiful. 望采纳


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