

02月02日 编辑 39baobao.com

[高考英语作文最常用的高级词汇有哪些最能加分的怎样得高分]attent to 照顾from…on 从……时候起1from now on 从现在起 2from then on 从那时起ask about 问有关……的问题not…any more 不再rescue…from… 把……从某种状况下解救...+阅读

1、 To solve this problem, a combined effort is really very necessary. First, factories should try all means to clean the polluted water and gas before such waste stuff flow into the river or emit into the air. Second, each government should make effective laws to punish various illegal conducts that are potentially harmful to the environment. Last but not the least, anyone of us has good reason to take actions for the restoration of the beauty of our globe.

2、 To eradicate this tumor of society, two measures might be involved/have to be taken immediately. For one thing, we should appeal to our government to make rigid laws to punish the briber and the bribed. For another, we ought to enhance their sense of serving people, not mastering people.

3、 To improve college entrance examination system, I suggest the following steps.

4、 The best way to solve this problem I think is to give young people opportunities to do things independently./

5、 My suggestion is that more people from all walks of life should be encouraged to finance the Project with their deeper love and stronger sense of responsibility for these children. And I am sure that the Project Hope will be meeting with hearty and generous response.

6、 There is no immediate solution to the problem of …, but … might be helpful / beneficial.

7、 It is, therefore, evident that the task of … requires immediate attention.

8、 The general awareness of the necessity and importance of ... might be the first step to solve this problem.

9、 It is urgent/ important/ necessary that appropriate/effective/rapid measures/steps/method should be taken to …


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