[自考本科的毕业论文致谢词 200字左右]本设计的完成是在我们的导师**老师的细心指导下进行的。在每次设计遇到问题时老师不辞辛苦的讲解才使得我的设计顺利的进行。从设计的选题到资料的搜集直至最后设计的修改的...+阅读
1) changing word order 语序转换 2) word order 语序 1. Anticlimax and translation of its implication in word order; 英语突降格及其语序意义的再现 2. The Influence of Word Order on the Grammatical Functions of Verbs and Adjectives; 语序对动词形容词语法功能的影响 3) sentence order 语序 1. By using a few typical examples, the author talks about the consequences of neglecting the proper sentence order in programming so as to help the programmers realize that they should be steady and rigorous in their studies and avoid vague answers. 该文通过几个具体例子阐述了在计算机程序设计过程中若不注意语序的合理安排 ,则会出现意想不到的甚至如死锁这样的严重后果。
4) constituent order 语序 1. The constituent order for adverbial in modern Chinese can be probed into from the following three aspects,namely,syntax,semantics and pragmatics. 汉语状语的组合语序分为三类:句法组合语序、语义组合语序和语用组合语序。 2. This paper discusses the importance of constituent order,and holds that its teaching should be strengthened because it occupies an important position in TCFL. 语序是汉语重要的表达手段,语序教学应成为对外汉语教学与研究中不可或缺的内容。
3. This paper gives a simple summary on the study of Chinese constituent order from the view of typological studies, semantics, information processing theory, cognitive and so on. 本文从语言类型学、语义、信息论、认知等不同的侧面,对汉语语序问题的研究进行简要的综述。 5) words order 语序 1. The words order between Chinese and English is a serious problem that affects thestudents to learn it well. 汉语和英语的语序问题是影响学生学好英语的原因。
6) sentence inversion 语序颠倒
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