

02月16日 编辑 39baobao.com

[初中水平英语作文120词带翻译谢谢大家]Football is my favorite sport. Every time I play football with my classmates in the playground, we are very excited. During this summer vacation, I usually play...+阅读

快乐的一天这是我生命中最快乐的一天。那是发生在星期一的公交车上。在我搭上公交车之后,我发现一个很好的位置。10分钟后,一个老奶奶也上车了。不幸的是,所有的作为都满了,看到这里,我迅速起身把自己的位置让给她。我两相视而笑。然后她给了我一个糖果作为奖励。我接受了它。我想那是世界上最甜的糖果,因为那充满了爱。这是快乐的一天 。

1.》A Happy Day It was one of my happiest days in my life.It happened on a Monday in a bus. After I got on a bus,I found a good seat.Ten minutes later,an old womam got on the bus.Unfortunately,all seats were taken.On seeing this,I quickly got up and gave my seat to her.Both of us smiled.Then she gave a candy to me as a reward.I accepted it.I thought it was the sweetest candy in the world because it was full of love. That was also a happy day. 2》Today is the happiest day in this holiday. Although I was very tired, I found myself in these busy day. I am afraid of taking a bus usually, the awful smell of the bus drive me mad ,make me feel carsick. But today I didn't feel carsick. I can defeat carsickness finally. At night I went out with an old friend who I ever liked him, but both of us were busy with the examination at the high school that we hadn't been together. I was so surprised that I received his calling. At first, I thought we would never meet after we graduated. Thank him gave me a happy day!


我的国庆假期英语作文带翻译50字左右初一水平I had a very happy vacation. In every day's life, I do my homework in the morning, play with my friend in the afternoon, read book after dinner. In another day,...

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