

02月15日 编辑 39baobao.com

[各大神求一篇关于校园恋爱的英语作文]Are you in favor of love on campus? Nowadays, love on campus is found everywhere. Wherever you go, you will see couples of sweethearts strolling past holding ha...+阅读

Once before the Iranian revolution, the then President of the United States Jimmy Carter visited Iran. He held a formal talk with the Shah, Pahlevi. As the Shah had an excellent command of English, no interpreters were needed for the occasion. However, the Shah spoke English with an accent which led to a misunderstanding on a major question, But interestingly enough, Carter, being a southerner, also had his accent and so the misundeerstanding turned into a double one. This is how it all happened. During their talk Carter mentioned a certain African organization and asked the Shah to give an overall appraisal of it. The Shah didn't have a very high opinion of the said organization as he found it beset with many internal problems, so he used the word "impotent" to describe it. The trouble was in pronouncing the word he put the stress on the second syllable and the word sounded like "important" to Carter. As it happened Carter himself thought the organization was a very important one and he felt most pleased that their opinions should "coincide", "Yes, I agree that the organization is indeed very important," he repeated to the Shah. No


去动物园的英语作文三十字左右要两篇求大神帮助In the zoo Oh,today is warm!I am going to the zoo. In the zoo,I can see many animals.The elephants are walking. The monkeys are swinging.There are many rabbits...

英语作文通知求帮助1.A strong and healthy being is the essence of learning and working effectively. A healthy person can only contribute towards society. Thus, we need to exercise...

高考英语作文常用单词求大神帮助为了使英语文章更加连贯,更具逻辑性,常常需要使用必要的过度词。 1。表示增加的过度词: also,and,and then,too,in addition,furthermore,moreover,again,on top of that, anot...


求梦想从这里起飞的作文求大神帮助梦想从这里起飞 天边的残阳在时光之神的催促下渐渐没落,稀疏的阳光如蜻蜓的薄翼给世界镀上了神秘的金边。秋风萧瑟,仰望明净、透彻的天空,我陷入了沉思。 十年寒窗,一路走来,我们...

初一60词英语作文求大神帮忙写It is Sunday again! I am very happy because my family and I could go to the mall for shopping. Since I haven't shopped for a long time I was extremely anticipat...


关于挫折600字作文求大神帮助人生是什么?得意者说它是美酒;失意者说它是苦水;成功者说它是彩虹;失败者说它是阴云。大仲马说人生就是不断遭受挫折与追求希望。 人的一生不可能总是平平坦坦,风平浪静,在这条漫...

以酷为话题的作文求大神帮助要说起“酷”那可真是个新名词呀!在当今社会,它的人气正以火箭的速度上升,人们格外地“热衷”于它。人们把“酷”理解为美的意思,甚至比美“更胜一筹” 。 比如:歌迷们在现场观看...
