

02月13日 编辑 39baobao.com

[关于毕业之际的给远方朋友一封信的作文]亲爱的表姐: 你好! 翻开记忆的画册,依然记得在3年前我们一起玩耍的情景,往事虽然历历在目,可是3年过去了,我一直没有机会回去探望你,你身体还好吗?初三的课业负担很重的,你要多注意身...+阅读

Dear Mr. Smith,

It is with much honor and pleasure that we welcome you to share with us your knowledge at our school. We have caerfully selected these activities during your visit and would like to seek your consent to the following schedule.

On arrival, you will be meeting with my Principal and Vice-Principal in the Conference Room. Joining us will be the various Senior and Head Teachers from the different departments. After that, you will be addressing the students of the school and introducing them to the purpose of your visit. We will have a tour of the school grounds following the formal address. During this time, you will be shown the various parts of the school and the student bodies and activities. You will also be invited to go into the classrooms of your choice to take a look at how lessons are being conducted.

The afternoon shall be the seminar session with the students. We have arranged for the seminar to take place at the Auditorium which can house 200 students at a time. We hope this space is big enough for you. Also, if you require any presentation devices such as projectors and computers, please let us know in advance so that we may prepare them for your session.

Please kindly advise us if the above schedule is suitable for you. If you have any other plans in mind, please feel free to let us know and we will try our best to accomodate to it.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,



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