

02月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英语作文我的一天]I have a busy and interesting day during my summer vacation. I get up at about half past six in the morning. Then I read English for half an hour. After having...+阅读

The rising sun flamed the eastern sky. The clouds rolled away and the sun came out. It was a beautiful, sunny day. Dolla went to a park by bike at 11:00 in the morning. She was very happy and parked her bike beside a tree. But she didn't know while she was riding her bike, a man was following her, and wanted to steal her bikeFitful icy wind blew the trees. Unlucky things were coming quietly. The man hid in the trees. Then he found a chance to steal the bike. While Dolla was seeing some people swimming in the sea, the man stole her bike in silence. An hour later, Dolla found out that her bike had been stolen. She was upset and very worried. So she called the police and waited for someone to help her. She didn't know what to do. Now, she does nothing but crying. This story tells us, we should take care of our things when we get out. Don't be compunctious until your things have been stolen


倒霉的一天作文8oo字人们常说:倒霉的时候,喝口凉水也会塞牙缝。今天,我可倒霉了。 上午,上微机课的时候,老师教我们如何上网。可我使用的电脑却怎样也启动不起来。好不容易叫老师帮我启动起来了,我也...

倒霉的一天作文 600字倒霉的一天600字 这是暑假里的一个美好的早晨,阳光明媚,小鸟很早就开始唱起歌来,花草树木在微风中伴着鸟儿舞蹈,一派生机勃勃的景象…… “起床啦!起床啦!”妈妈把我喊起床来,告诉...

倒霉的一天作文999篇每个人的一天都不一定是一帆风顺的,我就是一个典型例子。听听我这倒霉的一天吧! 清晨,我早早起床下楼去准备买一些面包回来当早点,可就在我挑完面包准备付钱的时候,意外的事发生...

日记倒霉的一天300字今天势力最倒霉的一天。 这一天,早上弟弟打扰我睡觉,我正做着美梦,就被弟弟的写字声给吵醒了。他写字我不反对,因为“一天之计在于晨”可他写字的声音太大了,就算在太阳系的海王...

作文:倒霉的一天每个人的一天都不一定是一帆风顺的,我就是一个典型例子。听听我这倒霉的一天吧! 清晨,我早早起床下楼去准备买一些面包回来当早点,可就在我挑完面包准备付钱的时候,意外的事发生...

过去进行时英语作文倒霉的一天倒霉的一天(A Bad Day) I had a very bad day yesterday.Everything went wrong.In the morning,my alarm clock didn't ring,so I woke up one hour later.When i was making...

周记200字倒霉的一天人们常说:倒霉的时候,喝口凉水也会塞牙缝。今天,我可倒霉了。 上午,上微机课的时候,老师教我们如何上网。可我使用的电脑却怎样也启动不起来。好不容易叫老师帮我启动起来了,我也...

800字作文我的倒霉的一天怎么写中文版倒霉的一天 随着“铃――铃――铃”的响声,音乐课到了。 “音乐,这可是我的弱点啊!”我自言自语地说。音乐老师慢慢地走上讲台,一脸严肃地说:“今天――这节――课要考――试了。...

小学作文我最倒霉的一天例文或写法今天,我非常倒霉。 问我为什麽,听我慢慢解说。在那亲近的学校,五年级三班的教堂, 不知老师干什麽,近来就发海啸,说:“李海瑜同学,你看你的作业,二加三,重写!”我感到十分惊奇,“我的作业...
