

02月13日 编辑 39baobao.com

[our school rules作文不少于50词]Our school rulesOur school has many rules.We have to dress uniform everyday,we can't eat at library and class,and we can't talk in class,we must finish our home...+阅读

珍爱生命 假如有一天,一个人问你说,世界上什么最珍贵,你会怎样回答?是时间?是金钱?是知识?是道德?而我则会说,生命最珍贵。 生命是顽强的,因其顽强,我们就应该敬畏生命;生命也是脆弱的,因其脆弱,我们就应该呵护生命;生命是宝贵的,我们就应该珍爱生命。 雨果就是一个典型的例子,他虽然患有心脏病,却意志坚强。他尽自己的全力为文学事业做出了伟大的成就,他从没有放弃过生命,反而更加争取、珍爱自己的生命,他每天都坚持做体育锻炼,不管怎样累,他都会坚持,别人看他的病况这么严重,一定活不了多久,他没有自暴自弃,而是去挑战生命,挑战自我,如果是别人一定会放弃,不会珍惜生命,这样做是不好的。 “春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干”,一句流传了千年的诗句深深地诠释给我们生命的意义与伟大。 人要活的有意义,不应该虚度年华、碌碌无为过一生。就算当生命要垂危时,也不能白白走这一生,应该去珍爱自己的生命,同时去做一些有意义的事情。


急需一篇英语初三作文 our school rulesThere are many rules in our school. Firstly, we cannot go out or watch television at night. Then, we must wear uniform and cannot go home for lunch in the after...

写一篇My school rules的作文My school rules There are too many rules in my school . It's terrible. Fristly don't arrive late for class. This is very important. Secondly don't listen to mus...

求一篇关于school rules英语作文你好: School Rules School rules plays an important part in school lives.Every school has its own rules for students. On the one hand, we need to wear school unif...

school rules作文as you konw,we chinese students come to school every day . and the study and safety at school have become very important problems .so i think some school rules...

英语作文school rulesI have too many rules in my school.So I am very tired. I can't eat food in class,and I must listen to the teacher carefully. Because I an learn many things from...



珍爱生命 300字作文急急急人的生命是有限的。可是为什么又有很多人不珍爱生命?是因为生活中的挫折和痛苦吗?生命和生活是紧密相关的,没有生命就没有生活,没有生命就没有快乐,想要成功就必须珍爱生命。 生...

热爱生命的作文300字求急急急俗话说:生命是短暂的,是一去不复返的,人的一生就如白驹过隙,时间不可倒转,我们只能在有限的生命里绽放无限的光彩。 然而生命的美,生命的可爱,需要我们的珍视。如果不珍视短暂的生...
