

02月10日 编辑 39baobao.com

[站在起跑线上刚上初3话题作文]光阴似箭,日月如梭!时光的匆匆给我们带来了第十二个开始,也是小学最后一个开始。在小学的最后的一个寒假梦幻般地过去了,停留的快乐只能在回忆中享受。 这将又是一次“赛跑”,十...+阅读

1.June lst,1995 Dear Peter, We're so gald you're coming to join us on Sunday. Here is how you can find us. We'll have our picnic in the People's Park. You know where that is, don't you? After you enter the park by the main gate, walk straight on till you come to a stream. Cross the stream and turn right. After walking for a while you'll come to a hill. Walk around to the other side of the hill. There you'll see a lake. We'll have our picnic there in the small woods by the lake. I'm sure you'll have no trouble finding us. Do come! Li Hua I don't remember how many examinations I've taken since I began my schooling. Truth to tell, I don't like examinations at all. I dare say that, in fact, no student likes examinations. 2 We often hear people say “Examinations are teachers' magic weapon”, so most of us may think it is our teachers who give us students so many examinations. But I don't think so. Almost all of them have once been students before they became teachers. We don't like examinations, and neither do our teachers, which may be reasonably concluded. What's more,the more examinations we take, the more time will be taken from our teachers and the more troubles our teachers have to take. It is the system in our country, I think, that gives us students so many examinations. If there were no entrance examinations, and all the students could go up to the higher grades without competition, there would not be so many examinations in primary and middle schools. So it is important and necessary to reform the entrance system. Only in this way can examinations be greatly reduced, and then all the students will be happier.


帮忙弄一篇以高一开学同一起跑线为话题的作文当太阳冲破地平线,放射出万丈光芒时,这是新的起点;当一个婴儿呱呱坠地,开始第一声哭喊时,这是新的起点;当我们踏上初三的列车,开始一年的奋斗旅程时,这也是新的起点! 或许,你会为过去...

站在新的起跑线上 500初中作文新学期的到来,新的冲刺点,一切事物都预示着新的希望.荣誉和辉煌,挫折与失败,都已成为过去,都已成为我们曾有的经理,重要的是把握现在,珍惜眼前的机会;我们应该信心百倍,为自己鼓劲,为...



站在新的起跑线上作文当太阳冲破地平线,放射出万丈光芒时,这是新的起点;当一个婴儿呱呱坠地,开始第一声哭喊时,这是新的起点;当我们踏上初三的列车,开始一年的奋斗旅程时,这也是新的起点! 或许,你会为过去...


在起跑线上初三语文作文在青春起跑线上曾季相迎我来茫,青城山,沙溪水,惆怅不知怎眠,梦里尽道何值搏? 才品青春忽已明,学项尚,改饶树,心头满朗不寐,青春起跑来奋进。 ——题记 谁说青春没有理想,谁说90后不动...

给篇9年级作文站在新的起跑线上 900字以上面对成长时间的年轮已悄然转过了十四个春秋,生命的丝线也已拉扯了十四个年头。我成长在不知不觉中…… ——题记 成长,仿佛一缕温暖阳光照亮我的心房,告诉我,我的个儿正在长高;成...

以起跑线为题写一篇作文600字左右当太阳冲破地平线,放射出万丈光芒时,这是新的起点;当一个婴儿呱呱坠地,开始第一声哭喊时,这是新的起点;当我们踏上初三的列车,开始一年的奋斗旅程时,这也是新的起点! 或许,你会为过去...
