
Write a passage about proteat birds英语作文急要

02月09日 编辑 39baobao.com


The role of birds in nature, refers to birds in different ecological systems (such as forest ecosystems, grassland ecosystems and farmland, lakes, oceans, and other eco-systems) the status and role. Birds are an important member of the ecosystem, although may not have a significant impact on productivity, but the density of the food has a restraining effect on their prey. In addition, the birds carry the seeds and nutrient transport, involved in energy flow within the system and inorganic material cycle, maintenance of ecosystem stability. Birds eat insects and small rodents in the maintenance of ecological balance in the role of nature can not directly sense, because the environmental factors involved are very complex and must pass rigorous experimental design, heavy field investigation and laboratory work, and detailed analysis in order to obtain more accurate results. Predation on birds at home and abroad in recent years, the role of quantitative research and related study of the characteristics of bird predation are more appropriately reveal the birds in the ecosystem role, particularly insect-eating birds in the forest ecosystem status .


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