
请你以An exciting experience为题写一篇作文

02月09日 编辑 39baobao.com

[写一篇作文我的愿望用英文不少于50字]My Dream I 'm just a student,i can;t like Martin Luther King, Jr.to save the people who was in troble,I just want to be a teacher . I wang to be a teacher ,to t...+阅读

An exciting experience

It was really an exciting experience.From it, I know English is so important and useful that we should study it well.

One afternoon,my friend and I were walking in the bustling street when I suddenly stopped at the crossing.Oh! My god! I saw two foreigners standing in front of the bank. I pushed my friend, she turned around and saw them,too. It seemed that she was excited as I was. Then we looked at each other."Shall we go up to speak to them?"I asked her with a smile."We certainly do."she answered."But...what shall we say?"I asked again."Er...that's a problem."

We both had no idea.

Suddenly,I shouted:"I know!It's the best way to ask them the way,isn't

it?"As the foreigners were moving towards the other side of the street,she

shouted:"We must be quickly! We can't miss this chance!"We ran after them as fast as we could.

At last we were walking abreast with them.Say or not? There's no time

to hesiate,I tried my best to say"Excuse me..."

With a smile they turned to me and said:"Can I help you?"I knew I was

succesful at that moment...


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