

02月08日 编辑 39baobao.com

[写我的假期的英语作文]I have a very gooa holidy.It is kind of buzy .I did my homework and wend to Beijing ,the Beijing was beautiful.Ilove it.Beijing have many shop,but the shop it w...+阅读

My favourite homework My favorite job nothing better than art work, with the various art forms of homework, we can use the brush to outline the nature of emotions; used a pair of scissors to cut out the faces of exquisite paper-cut; with plasticine knead a colorful world, with life in the junk products to create a piece of fine arts and crafts, the originally dull life filled with art, enjoy life, comfortable... This time, the art teacher assigned us the homework is to design their own bedroom. I have a big paper box mount into his bedroom and opened the door of the bedroom, the most eye-catching is the lake blue ground and cover on the bed of the verdant sheets, feels like a lake dotted with an oasis; that is, I must prepare a model for toys cabinet trees for themselves, have used their own, and even picked up the "baby" were put in, lest my mother who treasures as garbage out; the cupboard is beside the brown computer desk, desk, bookcase three as one of the furniture, the shelves neatly stocked with me I love the book, convenient at any time to see, there is a black notebook computer on the table for my computer, access to information, with a green lamp on the desk...... My masterpiece accomplished finally. I think it is my dream bedroom, I was surprised to reject the artistic effect created by the wonderful! More interesting work ah! It can not only give full play to our rich imagination, but also allows us to exercise their practical skills, but also let us tired body and mind to relax, do such a fun job simply fun to play! I wish I could do something like this! 我最喜欢的作业 我最喜欢的作业莫过于美术作业,因为美术作业形式多样,我们可以用画笔勾勒出大自然的喜怒哀乐;用剪刀剪出一张张精美绝伦的剪纸;用橡皮泥捏出一个五彩缤纷的世界,用生活中的废旧物品制作出一件件精美的工艺品,使原本平淡的生活洋溢着艺术气息,尽享生活的惬意…… 这一次,美术老师给我们布置的作业是设计自己的卧室。

我把一个大纸盒子装裱成自己的卧室,推开“卧室”的门,最醒目的就是那湖蓝色的地面和罩在床上的翠绿如茵的床单,感觉上就像湖面上点缀着一个绿洲;要紧的是,我必须为自己准备一个造型为大树的玩具柜,把自己用过的,甚至捡来的“宝贝们”统统放进去,免得妈妈把我那些“珍宝”当做垃圾处理掉;玩具柜的旁边是棕色的电脑桌、写字台、书柜三为一体的家具,书架上整齐地摆放着我喜欢的书,方便我随时看,电脑桌上有一台黑色的笔记本电脑,供我查阅资料,书桌上放着一个绿色的台灯…… 我的杰作终于大功告成了,我觉得它就是我梦寐以求的卧室,我惊讶于废旧物品的再利用所创造出的艺术效果的美妙! 多有趣的作业啊!它不仅能充分发挥我们丰富的想象,又能让我们锻炼自己的动手技能,还能让我们疲惫的身心得以放松,做这样趣味无穷的作业简直就是在畅快地玩!真希望类似的作业能多一些!


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