

02月07日 编辑 39baobao.com

[找一篇关于超越自我的作文]一位哲人说过:“上帝用模型造人,造完你之后就把模型捣碎,因此你是唯一的。” ——题记 一次小小的成功并不代表一生的成功,一次小小的失败并不意味着永远的失败。朋友,不知你是否...+阅读

SUNVILLE has something for everyone. If you're looking for museums,

you will find several here. History museums are fascinating to parents.

But kids may find them boring. In a science museum you can learn lots of

things. Children's museums are more fun. An art museum is interesting to

people who like arts. If you go to the computer museum you will find a

lot of fun things for children there. They can learn all about the history of

computers, as well as learn about science.

IN SUNVILLE there are a lot of good restaurants, too. They are nice places to eat. You can find vegetarian food and meats, too. Green Land

offers delicious salads.

Public restrooms around SUNVILLE are clean and beautiful. You'll find some easily at the corner of Market and Middle Streets.


write a guide to your city or town 一篇英语作文80词,我家在杨凌,别的地方也行



急!急!急!求一篇作文超越自我我为成功而生,不为失败而活。 我为胜利而来,不向失败低头。 我要欢呼庆祝,不要吸泣哀诉。 人,识得破别人的骗术,却逃不脱自己的谎言。懦夫认为自己谨慎,而守财奴也相信自己是节俭...

跨越自己作文初三“人生的道路很漫长,但紧要处常常只有几步”。当我们日渐跨越一个个阶梯,也就跨越了一个真实的自己。 坑洼的街角堆满舞倦了的落叶,粉色的墙漆斑驳在树影之间。我们穿着墨绿色...




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