
my hobby英语作文我的爱好是读书

02月03日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英语指路作文70词左右初二水平]Like the gentle lightning Like the boiling freezing point Forward have lost the future No longer will have a memory Day after day Year after year Walk in the wa...+阅读

My hobby Everyone has his own hobby, it may give him lots of happiness. My hobby is listening to music. When I was a child I enjoy listening to music especially the cartoon music, though I'm not good at it, I often lose myself in it. When I am in trouble, music can make me calm down. When I am very tired , it can make me comfortable . When I am angry with something , it aslo can make me happy again. Listening to music keeps me in a good mood and it's good for my health. Do you like listening to music? If not, I hope you can have a try, you will find it beneficial.


关于问路和指路的英语作文 100单词左右最好中英对照hugh directs emma to a police station emma:excuse me. excuse me hugh:yes. emma:is there a police station near here? hugh:ah...police station? yes there is. yes....

指路的英语作文初一A:Hello,my friend! B:Hello! I'm going to the seaside for a week.I want to play near the sea. How can I get to the seaside? A:Let me see.Er……You can take bus N...

英语作文问路指路[实用英语]-街边对话问路篇 Hugh directs Emma to a police station Emma:Excuse me. Excuse me Hugh:Yes. Emma:Is there a Police Station near here? Hugh:Ah...police s...

请问谁有类似于难忘的一节课有趣的一节课这样的作文教学设难忘的一节课: “叮铃铃——”,伴随着清脆的铃声,同学们纷纷到操场上集中,这一节是大家喜欢的体育课。体育陈老师满面春风地走过来,神秘地说道:“今天这节课,我们要玩游戏!” “什么...


语文作文课可以设计什么有趣的活动听,又是一阵热烈的掌声,教室里不知多少次被这样的掌声淹没了,每个同学身边,都萦绕着欢乐的气息――原来呀,陈老师正在和同学们进行“猜字谜”活动。 看,陈老师又要出题了,我们目不...

作文一堂有趣的课一堂有趣的课 新的一学期开始,我上三年级了。在开学的第一堂数学课上,我班的数学老师房老师给我们上了一堂有趣的课。 课上,有位同学称房老师“老头子”。这下,同学们都替他涅了...

作文有趣的课堂说起课堂,大家觉得一向是非常乏味的,作文题目上怎么会写得是有趣呢?因为这是一堂非常好玩的一节课,是一堂作文课,也是一堂夏令营的课。 有的人就不相信了,夏令营的课至少是1、2个...

小学生作文:一节有趣的作文[小学生作文:一节有趣的作文课]小学生作文:一节有趣的作文课正文:一节有趣的作文课 上课铃响了,林老师走进了教室,小学生作文:一节有趣的作文课。她看了看同学们,问到:“大家都喜欢...
