

02月03日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英语作文常用词]下面我分享一下英语写作的经典表达和结构: 表示增加、补充:and,also,too,as well as,besides,moreover,furthermore,in addition,additionally,then. 表示对比:but,although,th...+阅读

一件难忘的事 在我成长的路上发生过很多的事情,这件事情让我很难忘的。 一次,我在书上看到,盐水可以把鸡蛋浮起来,我就很好奇,自己也很想试试,看个究竟。 于是,我找来一个不锈钢盆,放上些水,在抓上两把盐,而后把鸡蛋洗净,放在水里,等着鸡蛋浮起来,可是,鸡蛋竟然一下子沉底了,我心想,是不是盐放少了呢?于是,我又抓了两把,可是,鸡蛋还是懒洋洋的躺在盆里,好像在跟我作对,我越是着急,它就越不起来,没办法,我就去问奶奶,奶奶告诉我,可能是盐没有溶解,你用筷子搅拌一下吧,我拿着筷子用力搅拌,可还是不行的,这是,我心想。

既然我没有溶解,那我就给它加加热好了,于是,我把盆放到电磁炉上,一会儿水热了,我又搅拌了一会,看到盐溶解的差不多了,我把鸡蛋放了进去,哇!这次鸡蛋竟然一下浮了起来,我试着把鸡蛋再往下按下,鸡蛋又浮了起来。这是,我高兴极了。心想,自己终于成功了。 通过这次试验,让我知道了,盐水比水的比例重,所以,鸡蛋就浮了起来。

也是通过这次试验,更让我明白了,凡事都不是想象中的那么简单,只有亲手去尝试,才可以体会成功带来的喜悦,只有亲手去尝试,才可以让我学会更多的知识。 这件事,让我懂得了,在以后的成长道路上,不管遇到什么事情,我都会像做实验那样,永不认输! 翻译: An unforgettable thing There's been a lot of things on my way to grow, and this thing makes me memorable. Once, I saw in the book that the salt water could float the eggs, and I was curious, and I wanted to try it, and see what it was. Then, I found a stainless steel bowl, put some water, catching two salt, and then put the egg wash, placed in the water, waiting for egg float, but the egg should suddenly sink to the bottom, I thought, is not salt less? So, I caught two, but the egg or lazy lying in the tub, seems to go against me, the more I worry, it is not up, no way, I asked grandma, grandma told me, probably not dissolved salt, you use chopsticks stir it, I holding chopsticks stir, or not, this is, I thought. Since I didn't dissolve it, I heated it up, so I put the basin on the induction cooker. After a while, the water was hot, and I stirred for a while. I saw the salt dissolved almost. I put the egg in, whoa! This time the egg floated, and I tried to push the egg down again, and the egg floated again. This is, I am very happy. I thought, I was finally successful. Through this experiment, let me know that the salt water is heavier than the water, so the egg floats. It is also through this experiment that I understand that everything is not so simple as it is imagined. Only by personally trying, can we experience the joy brought by success. Only by personally trying, can I learn more knowledge. This thing, let me understand, in the future growth road, no matter what happens, I will be like doing experiments, never admit defeat!


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