

03月18日 编辑 39baobao.com

[作文难忘的一件事]当想起那件令人愧疚的往事,我就会脸红起来,有时还会流出泪水。 那是一个寒冷的早晨。我们全家正在吃早饭。我一不小心就把汤打倒了。洒在了地上。妈妈就不停的指责我的各种不...+阅读

楼主没有说明一些有用的个人信息,以及作文用处,本人暂且模仿学生口吻作文如下: An Unforgettable Thing It was a nice day in summer vocation.Before I woke up in the morning,Mom and Dad had already gone to work.After the breakfast,I opened my notebook.A red circle on the calender attracted my eyes:today's Mom's birthday!Mom even didn't notice me before! It was late for me to buy a gift for Mom,what should I do?An idea suddenly came into my mind.During the following time,I swept the floor,cleaned the window and did the laundry.It was exectly 12 o'clock when I finished all the above housework.Ten minutes later,seeing the happiness in Mom's eyes,I knew that's the best gift for Mom's birthday!This is the most unforgettable thing I've ever had. 一见难忘的事 那是暑假里的一个美好的日子。在我起床之前,妈妈和爸爸就已经上班去了。

吃过早饭,我翻开笔记本。日历上一个红色的圈吸引了我的目光:今天是妈妈的生日!妈妈之前都没有通知我! 再去给妈妈买礼物显然是来不及了,我该做些什么呢?一个主意突然跳入我的脑海。接下来的时间里,我扫了地,擦了窗玻璃,还洗了衣服。当我做完这一切的时候正好是中午12:00了。十分钟后,看着妈妈眼睛里透出的欣喜,我知道我给了妈妈最好的礼物!这就是我有生以来的最难忘的一件事! PS:看在原创的份上,楼主就把分留给我吧,哈~


An unforgettable thing Do you have any unforgettable thing? Certainly I think, so do I. Last spring, on a sunshine day, our students and teachers visited East Park. When we went into the park, we saw many colorful flowers and several beautiful butterflies dancing on the flowers, even the little bees were attracted by such beautiful scene. Suddenly, we smelled the stinking air. We all frighted and looked for the reason. On the back of a food shop, there were many plastic bags and bottles with dirty oil floating on the lake. We all felt angry. We thought we must do something to change the situation.


一件难忘的事情(an unforgetful thing)

how time flies!i'm fifteen years now.during the long time,there was one thing that i will never forget.

the spring festival is our traditional festival.during the spring festival,people usually visit their friends and relatives.when i was 9 years old,my family took the bus to my grandparents' to say 'happy new year' to them.cooyu.net

in the bus,i had a good seat.at 7:30,the bus came to a village.a woman got on with a baby in her arms.at that time,there was no seat.but she must look after her baby carefully.she had to stand next to me.i wanted to stand up and let her sit down,but i was afraid of hearing the other people say'that girl want to be praised.'i looked around.most people were looking out of the windows and some were sleeping.suddenly,a little boy behind me,stood up and made room for the woman.she said 'thank you very much' with a big smile.the boy smiled,too.when i told my cousin about it after that,he said 'the child is the father of a man.' i'm very ashamed.why could't i do the same thing as the little boy did?cooyu.net

from that i learn that we should do our best to help people who need help.if everyone makes a contribution to helping others,the world will become much more beautiful!


The most unforgettable thing Campus life there are many things are forgotten. But the thing I remember, it was the first time I honor certificate. I was in grade three, participated in the math class, I go to class, because the teacher is too difficult, I don't understand. When I get home I asked my neighbor, tube neighbor named Wei elder brother, at that time, Wei elder brother has started three. After I finished my homework, run upstairs and ask him questions. He was down for a look, be startled at you," a few years, begin to do so." Then he taught me two or three hours, I was able to understand some. Then about two or three hours, see a bell, now has twelve points. The exam, the answer after I did not hold out much hope, I think a certificate of merit and good, but I got a three star honor certificate. At that moment, I shed tears, because there are too much of my pay! I am the most memorable thing, is the first to take a certificate of honor.


难忘的一件事作文《难忘的一件事》 在我成长的道路上,有一件事使我终生难忘。经历过那件事,我似乎长大了许多。 那是去年新年前夕,同学们一下课便纷纷互送贺卡。红红绿绿的贺卡带着各自的心意,送...

作文:难忘的一件事初中开学第一天 曾看到一则眼睛的广告,是这样写的:眼睛是心灵的窗户,请给你的窗户安上玻璃。我当时还觉得这广告特别搞笑。可是,令我万万没有想不到的是几年后我居然也让眼睛骑...

最难忘的一件事英语作文带翻译Yesterday,my mum took me to the park. We took a bus there. When the bus stoped at a bus stop.There came an old woman. My mum standed up and gave her seat to the...

英语作文:令我难忘的一件事难忘的一事 在我的成长里,经历过许许多多的事情,他们就像一页页小船,在我的脑海里回荡。他们就像沙滩上的“贝壳”,有的“光彩照人”而有的却是“丑陋”的。一件令我十分难忘的,...

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求一篇最难忘的一件事英语作文The most unforgettable thing Campus life there are many things are forgotten. But the thing I remember, it was the first time I honor certificate. I was in grad...

英语作文我最难忘的一件事一件难忘的事情(an unforgetful thing) how time flies!i'm fifteen years now.during the long time,there was one thing that i will never forget. the spring festival i...

难忘的一件事英语作文10句话难忘的一件事英语作文10句话,英语作文写一件事!I the most unforgettable thing is the skateboarding. That day, the weather is sunny, I will put up the skateboard to p...
