

02月02日 编辑 39baobao.com

[小学作文台风 800]五年级的暑假里,来了一场名叫“苏拉”的台风,是那么的猛烈,是那么的可怕,似威龙巡海,似猛虎下山。 刚开始,只有暴风,没有狂雨。可那一阵风,却几乎可以吹倒一个人,就连我站在那里儿,都...+阅读

The charts give information about how people aged from 17 to 19 years, from 30 to 45 years and over 46 years choose their accommodations in Evonia.As can be seen in the first chart, the percentage of people aged between 17 and 19 years who rent accommodations with others comes first which occupies 25%, followed by those of people who live in hotel (30%), single rental accommodation (21%) and their own apartments (12%). People who live in their own houses have the lowest proportion of accommodation choices, which only occupies 2%.However, a substantial portion of people aged from 30 to 45 years and over 46 years possess their own houses, just following the amount of people who own their own apartments. In spite of this,a great number of people aged from 30 to 45 years live in single rental accommodations and shared rental accommodations, making up 25 % and 9% respectively. There are only 2% people at this age living in hostel accommodations. Nevertheless, the phenomena of living in hostel accommodations don' exist anymore among people aged over 46 years. A small handful of people (13%) begin a new accommodation choice called assisted living instead.These three pie charts show that most young people don't have their own houses, they rent house by themselves or with other people, but the majority of middle-aged people and old people have their own accommodation (apartments or houses).这个。



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