

01月31日 编辑 39baobao.com

[作文不一样的语文课800字]我小学六年遇到过很多老师,但是让我印象尤为深刻是易老师。 易老师二十七八岁的样子,个子高高的,眼睛偏大,乌黑的头发,看起来和蔼可亲。 我们喜欢易老师上课,是因为易老师上课从来...+阅读

The name of the friend i admire is Latiha, one reason i admire him is because of his honesty.Whenever i am confuse, to know the true position of any issue i go to him. Another, reason why i admire him is his sense of humor. I have never see any dull moment with him. however the situation may look like. He is always happy and optimistic about the situation.This is his slogger, whatever happen to a man is equal to a man, a man is equal to all his challenges in life. Additionally Latiha, is a very caring friend.He can even forget about his own needs or problem and seek posible solution to your own problems.There was a day a had a very challenging moment in the school,i have paid for my school fees but i was to take a quiz that particular day. I had nothing on me to transport myself to the venue of the text. Latiha that have not paid his school fees,even eating anything for that day rally round to get me money. In conclusion, because of all the qualities and many more to mention, i consider him as a friend i admire so much.


不寻常的课堂作文 700字最好内容大众化一点不用太新颖在我的记忆中,有许多最难忘的,有的是令我高兴的一件事,有的是令我后悔的一个教训,还有的是我童年时候的一个玩伴。但这一切都不是我最难忘的,在我记忆里,最难忘的不是一件事,也不是...

作文:不一样的语文课800字我小学六年遇到过很多老师,但是让我印象尤为深刻是易老师。 易老师二十七八岁的样子,个子高高的,眼睛偏大,乌黑的头发,看起来和蔼可亲。 我们喜欢易老师上课,是因为易老师上课从来...


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