

01月31日 编辑 39baobao.com

[雅思小作文最常见错词有哪些]雅思小作文因为比较模式化,相对来说用错词的情况也少一些。其实,小作文中比较集中的错误在“比较与对比”搞不清楚,所以出现 'compare'与 'contrast' 的使用错误,这里我们详细说...+阅读

雅思专家(培雅国际教育)为您解答:流程图与传统图表题目不太一样,传统图表需要筛减提炼出重要信息。而流程图需要增加文章出现的细节化信息。比如大家都熟悉的剑桥八的流程图cement production。很多学生往往一看完图,改写完开头段,马上就开笔写第一个图片。Put the limestone and clay into a crusher to get the powder...其实这个地方可以细节化的加上这样一句话:The most basic raw material include limestones and clay.而且可以细心的发现倒入这两种原料的方向是两个方向。所以可以接着写:They are poured from both sides into the crusher to get the powder.以这样增加细节描述的方式增加字数,无疑迅速准确高质量,避免了主观与跑题的后患。


雅思写作词汇要求什么三、同义词 雅思写作对词汇考查的另一个特点,就是词汇多样性,即同义词,也就是说同一个意思必须要换用多种表达方法。如果考生在写作中大量重复使用同一个单词,那么给考官的印象...

雅思作文用了哪些词很low知乎because of, 可以改用:due to, be attributed to, arise from, contribute to; a lot of, lots of, 可以改用:an increasing number of ..., a variety of ...; As we can see,.....

求一篇雅思作文悬赏分都没有,难怪没有人给你写。。。 As we can see,the cities are getting bigger, and the number of citizens is getting larger.But we can also tell that more peop...

雅思作文 150字以上希望能帮上你 There is no doubt that many things had changed in the last few decades; some changes are for betterment and some changes are for worse. One of the...

求一篇雅思作文范文或者说思路也行题目如下1. 先阐述这个现象,提出观点:Currently/in recent years,there exists a controversial dicsussion whether we should trust journalists or not.As for this,some deem that...

雅思作文10篇。200字以内的你好,很高兴为你解答:雅思写作7分范文:International tourism has brought enormous benefit to many places. At the same time, there is concern about its impact on local...

急!求一篇雅思作文悬赏分都没有,难怪没有人给你写。。。 as we can see,the cities are getting bigger, and the number of citizens is getting larger.but we can also tell that more peop...


