
雅思作文 150字以上

01月28日 编辑 39baobao.com

[关于露珠的作文]迷人的露珠 我喜欢露珠,我赞美它。 每年夏秋之际,我喜欢早起在野外散步。此时残月如钩,晨星闪烁,绿柳和庄稼低语,晨风吹来,格外清爽。 星光慢慢退去,火红的太阳撩开它的面纱。在万...+阅读

希望能帮上你 There is no doubt that many things had changed in the last few decades; some changes are for betterment and some changes are for worse. One of the fields which were greatly affected by the advent of technology is the way of interaction and communication.Without any doubt, the technology has changed the way we lead our lives and these changes are prominent over the last decade. There are several improvements in life due to the positive effects of technology and there are some negative impacts as well. One area that has dramatically changed is the way we communicate and maintain our relationship nowadays. And in my opinion, the technology has positively affected our communication and the way we make relationships and maintain it. Despite some negative effects, most of us enjoy the positive things the technology has bought for us. In the past, the ways of interaction were very limited. Unleash your imagination; if you want to speak with your friend, you would have to go directly to his house or send him a message which may take few days to get a response. I completely believe that technology has a great tangible effect on our communication. Nowadays, it's very easy to interact with your relatives -and even with the government and organisations- either by emails, mobiles, chatting, etc. and I think that this has improved the relationships and enhanced it.We no longer need to visit a relative or friend to get updates. Alternatively, we can let them know our updates instantly. Besides personal communications, official and business communications have become easier. Email campaign offers a good marketing opportunity for business owners and people can complain about certain thing using emails without exposing their identity. Not all of the people have the availability of technology and they still use the old form of communication. People now can deceive others using identity theft and fraud identity. The personal touch of communication like handwritten letters, face-to-face communications were more effective in some cases. Like meeting your friend is still more important than just writing him an email.We make so many friends via chatting or social networking which would not have been possible without the advancement of technology and its contribution to the communication. Cell phones, emails and social networking have enhanced the way of communicating and we can talk to anyone with a minimum cost. It's now not unusual to prepare for a visit and even several visits to your relatives and friends on the same day, while in the past this may have taken several weeks or months.


搜篇关于露珠的作文不知道为什么,三十年后,我会一次又一次地想起与露珠的初遇。这样的想起有什么意义吗?还是命运的某种暗示?我在心里向冥冥中的上天追问。 不能准确说出我那时的年龄,只能以一种回...

谁有关于露珠得作文露是怎样形成的 在温暖季节的清晨,人们在路边的草,树叶及农作物上经常可以看到的露珠,露也不是从天空中降下来的。露的形成原因和过程与霜一样,只不过它形成时的温度在0°C以上...

赞美露珠的作文怎样写我喜欢露珠,我赞美它。每年春秋之际,我喜欢早起在野外散步。此时残月钩,晨星闪耀,绿柳和庄稼低语,微风吹来,格外清爽。 当东方露出鱼肚白的时候,首先扑入我宴请的是那盛装的大地:火...

找有关露珠的作文 159字瞧那小花,是粉色的太阳花,笑盈盈地把脸仰得高高的,好像在说:“我小太阳花人见人爱的容颜啊,不抬头当真是可惜!”看着太阳花粉嘟嘟很可爱的样子,不由得多看了几眼。哟,什么东西,一闪一...

一个关于露珠的作文不知道为什么,三十年后,我会一次又一次地想起与露珠的初遇。这样的想起有什么意义吗?还是命运的某种暗示?我在心里向冥冥中的上天追问。 不能准确说出我那时的年龄,只能以一种回...

赞美露珠的作文250字我喜欢露珠,我赞美它。每年春秋之际,我喜欢早起在野外散步。此时残月钩,晨星闪耀,绿柳和庄稼低语,微风吹来,格外清爽。 当东方露出鱼肚白的时候,首先扑入我宴请的是那盛装的大地:火...

晨曦中的露珠作文当太阳升起时,它正躺在一株小草的叶子上——多么舒服啊!青青的小草,清新的空气,暖暖的阳光,还有它自己:一滴清晨的露珠,这一切都多多么令人陶醉…… 当它静静享受这一切的时候,一个...


求一篇雅思作文悬赏分都没有,难怪没有人给你写。。。 As we can see,the cities are getting bigger, and the number of citizens is getting larger.But we can also tell that more peop...
