

01月31日 编辑 39baobao.com

[六年级语文上册作文小木船 200字]我和陈明是好朋友。一天,我们把在手工小组做的小木船拿出来玩,陈明一不小心把我的摔坏了。争执中,陈明又把它踩坏了,我非常生气,一把夺过他的小木船,用力向地上一摔,跳上去用脚用力...+阅读

My Family

I have a happy family.

In my family,there are father,mother,sister and i.

My father is a doctor, and he is very busy. My mother is a teacher,my sister and i are


i have a happy family,i love my family.



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难忘的小学生活作文200字光阴似箭,岁月如俊,一晃眼,5年的光阴像云彩一般离我远去,我已六年级了。小学的生活令我怀念;令我迷恋;令我回味。如今,我们的同窗生活只有一年了,想起过去种种往事不禁感概万千。 在...

四年级英语优秀小作文Of all the four seasons in a year, I love autumn best, because I was born in autumn. The Mid-autumn Day is in autumn. We can eat all kinds of mooncakes, watch t...

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四年级英语作文Today we visited Red Star Farm. Early in the morning, we met at the gate and went there together. About two hours later, we arrived. On arriving there, we were...

写一篇四年级英语作文急急急!autumn has come to the world. let us see the beautiful picture in the outside: there are many apple trees in the fruit garden and the apples are ripe. Many chil...
