

01月31日 编辑 39baobao.com


Today we visited Red Star Farm. Early in the morning, we met at the gate and went there together. About two hours later, we arrived. On arriving there, we were given a warm welcome by the farm workers. Then one of the workers showed us around the farm. We were very glad to see the crops and vegetables growing so well. At noon, we had a picnic happily. After the picnic, we enjoyed ourselves in the sunshine. We listened to music, dancing and singing. Some were talking happily and even two of our classmates played chess. How time flies! It was time for us to leave though we didn't want to. It was really an unforgettable visit for us.

讲参观红星农场的,比较长,我觉得这篇不错的.你可以删掉点的. 今天,我们参观红星农场。清晨,我们遇见了在登机口和去在一起。约两小时后,我们抵达。抵达那里,我们得到了热烈欢迎的农场工人。然后一个工人表明我们在农场。我们非常高兴地看到,作物和蔬菜这么好。中午,我们进行了愉快地野餐。野餐后,我们享受自己的阳光。我们听音乐,跳舞和唱歌。有些人谈论幸福,甚至我们的两个同学发挥象棋。如何光阴似箭!现在是我们离开虽然我们并不想。这真是一个难忘的访问为我们。



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