

01月27日 编辑 39baobao.com

[作文坚持人生梦想努力成就未来 300字]席慕容曾说,生命,在滂沱的雨后总能成诗。年轻时我们有许多梦想,关于文字,关于爱情,关于世界各地的旅行,现在我们深夜饮酒杯子碰撞在一起,听到的都是梦破碎的声音。我想,我们都不甘于...+阅读

I like dogs very much.They are very cute and funny.And the most important is that they are honest to their owners.So we human beings usually call them our best friends.

Dogs are used by us humans in many different ways.Some people especially the olds and the singles keep dogs as pets.Then they can have a companion and no longer feel lonely.And another group of people keep dogs to make money.They may be dog-sellers or vets.They make a living by selling or caring dogs.And some people are dog-trainers.They train dogs to help people in their daily life.One kind of the dogs are trained for the blind people.These dogs can help the blind people walk safely in the streets. Then one more special group of people keep dogs to help do their work.Yes, they are policemen!Their dogs are so brave that they can fight with the bad people and protect the citizens and their properties.

Dogs are so great.They are really our friends.They help us do our job and keep us companied and make us feel no longer lonely and even protect us. We should treat them well and make a good space for them to live.


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