

01月23日 编辑 39baobao.com

[我爱小狗英语作文]My little dog I love dog I love my little dog? Fujian? Nanjing experimental primary school four year three class? Yellow Ruoling my grandma has a cute pug. It's...+阅读


英语邀请信的范文 邀请函的种类多种多样,那英语邀请信该怎么写呢?下面就让小编带大家看看一系列的英语邀请信。望大家采纳。 英语邀请信范文篇一 Dear[Jane]: Ihope[youandFred]haventanyplanfortheweekendof[Julytwenty-fourth]aswedlikeyoutospenditwithusat[FarAcres].Itssimplybeautifulherenow,witheverythinginbloom! Ithinkwecanpromise[Fred]somegoodfishingthisyear.Thefisharebitingbetterthanever!Sobringyourfishingclothes;andbesuretobringyourtennisthings,too,because[theOwens]arecomingandImsureyoullwanttogetoutonthecourtswiththem. Theresaverygoodtrain[Fridaynight];Ivemarkeditinredonthetimetable.Itgetsyouhereabout[seven-thirty]whichisjustintimefordinner.Youcangetalatetrainback[Sundaynight],ortheresanearlyexpressthat[Bob]usuallytakeson[Mondaymorning]. Wehopenothingwillpreventyoufromcoming,aswerelookingforwardtoyourvisitandIknow[theOwens]arelookingforwardtoseeingyouagain,too.Besuretoletusknowwhattrainyouaretakingsothat[Bob]canmeetyouatthestation. Affectionatelyyours, 英语邀请信范


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