
关于 Healthy Diet的英语100字作文

01月20日 编辑 39baobao.com


A healthy diet is one that helps maintain or improve health. It is important for the prevention of many chronic health risks such as: obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. A healthy diet involves consuming appropriate amounts of all nutrients, and an adequate amount of water. Nutrients can be obtained from many different foods, so there are a wide variety of diets that may be considered healthy diets. A healthy diet needs to have a balance of macronutrients / energy (fats, proteins, and carbohydrates) and micronutrients to meet the needs for human nutrition without inducing toxicity from excessive amounts. There are a number of diets and recommendations by numerous medical and governmental institutions that are designed to promote certain aspects of health, including World Health Organization and American Heart Association, From a psychological and cultural perspective, a healthier diet may be difficult to achieve for people with poor eating habits. This may be due to tastes acquired in early adolescence and preferences for sugary and fatty foods. It may be easier for such a person to transition to a healthy diet if treats such as chocolate are allowed; sweets may act as mood stabilizers, which could help reinforce correct nutrient intake. It is known that the experiences we have in childhood relating to consumption of food affect our perspective on food consumption in later life.[citation needed] From this, we are able to determine ourselves our limits of how much we will eat, as well as foods we will not eat - which can develop into eating disorders, such as anorexia or bulimia This is also true with how we perceive the sizes of the meals or amounts of food we consume daily; people have different interpretations of small and large meals based on upbringing. Yo-yo dieting is psychological upsetting for people and make a lack of self confidence. Researchers from 8 countries in Europe have found relation between angiotensine-converting enzyme with the woman's weight. The higher the enzyme make women kept the pound off. The journal PLoS ONE reported that there are 8 other proteins were also linked to successful weight maintenance. The research now focus to strategies that people need to keep the weight off in the long term rather than getting initial weight loss.



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