[以雪松的启示为题写一篇作文]雪松的启示 加拿大魁北克有一条南北走向的山谷。山谷没有什么特别之处,惟一能引人注意的是它的西坡长满松、柏、女贞等树,而东坡却只有雪松。这一奇异景色之谜,许多人不知所以,...+阅读
I want to be an air hostess when I grow up. I choose it not only because I am tall and pretty, but I am an active and outgoing girl. Courtsy is my character. I am sure I will be an excellent air hostess in the future. Besides, I can travel around the world as an air hostess. Travelling around the world is my dream and it can broaden my horizons. So I will study hard to make my dream come true.
松树的启示为题写作文我爱松林,我爱松树,我更爱松林四季的绿,松树坚强不屈的精神。 春天,柔柔的春风吹拂着松林,幼苗随着春风的脚步,长出了嫩绿的叶子,它正踏着成长的道路,凝聚着无穷的力量。 一转眼,冬天...
我的为题的作文九年级我扑在书上,就像饥饿的人扑在面包上。 ——高尔基不 知道你有没有体会过这种感觉,但是我却经常真的这么觉得。我有时候感觉很饿很饿,好像隐约记得有一顿什么大餐在等着我,然后想...
我想成为一名飞行员英语作业I want to be a pilot in the future. I like looking up at the blue sky. If I can fly in the sky, how great will it be! The first time I flied on the aeroplane, I...
20年后我想当一名飞行员的英语作文纵然我们没有陶渊明“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”的闲适,没有孟浩然“故人具鸡黍,邀我至田家”的安然,没有柳宗元“孤舟蓑笠翁,独钓寒江雪”的从容,但也要试着学会淡定,拒绝浮躁。 要...
以想成为一名飞行员为题用英语写一篇短文I dreamed that one day I could become a pilot, and fly the most advanced aircraft of our country. When I was little, I was playing outside one day, suddenly I h...
以我的志愿是一个飞行员为题的英语作文I have always aspired to be a fighter pilot. My dream began when I was about seven years old. One day, my uncle took me for a ride in his private plane. It was...
小学英语作文:未来我的梦想是做一名飞行员60单词I WANT TO BE A PILOT When I was a little child.I have already decided to be a pilot in the feture.I love the beautiful sky very much.And I want to fly in it.I b...
初二英语作文我的梦想当一名宇航员加翻译I Want to Be an Astronaut When I was a little girl, my grandmother used to tell me stories about the moon. Even today, every time I watch the sky at night, I wo...