

01月16日 编辑 39baobao.com

[以生活离不开什么为题作文]【生活中离不开“让”】 一个普普通通的农村母亲,在法庭上,面对杀害自己独子的凶手,不是要求严惩,而是要求给予从轻发落。她说,他是罪犯,但也是他娘的孩子,无论他犯再大的罪,要让他...+阅读

I have always aspired to be a fighter pilot. My dream began when I was about seven years old. One day, my uncle took me for a ride in his private plane. It was a momentous experience for me! Soaring freely in the sky, high above the rest of civilization, I knew that I would never want to do anything as much as I wanted to fly.

As I grew older, I began to read books on aviation and air adventures. I was especially fascinated with accounts of air battles. Biggles was my hero above all other heroes. Thus, my ambition narrowed from just wanting to fly a plane to becoming a fighter pilot. The thought of scudding through the sky with the ability to defy gravity with a multi-million dollar piece of machinery and patriotic fervor excited my soul.

The requirements for fighter pilot candidates are many and difficult to fulfill. Among them are academic excellence, perfect eyesight, a fit body, quick reflexes and the ability to stay cool under pressure. Well, I have never been the kind of person to leave things to chance: I am constantly aware of the need to work towards my goals.



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我想成为一名飞行员英语作业I want to be a pilot in the future. I like looking up at the blue sky. If I can fly in the sky, how great will it be! The first time I flied on the aeroplane, I...

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以想成为一名飞行员为题英语写一篇短文I dreamed that one day I could become a pilot, and fly the most advanced aircraft of our country. When I was little, I was playing outside one day, suddenly I h...
