
求题目为 my favorite computer game的一分钟短文写穿越火线的

01月13日 编辑 39baobao.com

[初中英语简单的短文]how to improve english score english is more and more important for people in daily life. students also try their best to learn it well and get high mark. so if...+阅读

To cross the line, english is a cf crossfire short, is a game in just entered a cf, the system will give you 5000gp, the role and rifles, grenades, you're not familiar with the case, need to enter the camp. after training, you can become a true "military", "battlefield" 杀敌 is your duty. a chemical pattern, the messiah model, type, model, team broke through the spectre of modes, challenge, after the game mode I'd like a savior, the messiah mode, they change ends, will be randomly selected a savior, saviour carrying a brown spots, guns, the right arrow key will be turned into m198 howitzer. "aim at one, can be bigger the spectre of 1000 dripping blood ; in the birth of the savior at the same time, the system will be randomly picked for three people as the phantom, a ghost as a luck and skill, can draw the ghosts, with a razor sharp claws. a balance, the human Play games, you couldn't help, let you into a nervous and 神圣感. especially with the enemy in battle, you'll have a feeling of satisfaction and excitement are. here, there are many 英雄豪杰 an enemy, and you can join 杀敌, they make use of the people, we have a complaint to make him and kicked him out of the room. remember, according to the rules to play games, games, more meaningful! But play the game must be enough to play games and not delay the study, we must have a dull boy. it protects the vision and improve efficiency. learning 穿越火线,英文是Crossfire简称CF,是一种枪战游戏,在刚进入cf时,系统会给你5000GP,购买角色,以及枪、手榴弹,你在不熟悉游戏的情况下,需要进入新手训练营,经过训练,你就可以成为一位真正的“军人”了,上“战场”杀敌就是你的职责。

有生化模式、救世主模式、突围模式、团队模式、幽灵模式、挑战模式等,游戏结束后会有不同的经验奖励和金币奖励。 我最喜欢救世主模式,在救世主模式中,每局开始,都会随机选一个救世主,救世主拿着一杆有棕色斑点的枪,点右键,就会变成榴弹炮,瞄准一弹打出去,就可以大点幽灵的1000滴血;在救世主诞生的同时,系统也会随机选三个人当幽灵,用幽灵既要有运气,还要有技术,幽灵可以瞅准时机,用两个锋利的爪子,打人类一个措手不及,这时候才是巅峰较量的开始。

玩游戏时,你会不由自主的投入其中,让你有一种紧张感和神圣感。尤其是在与敌人的激战中,你会有一种满足感与刺激感。这里,有许多英雄豪杰,遇到敌人时,你可以和他们一起奋勇杀敌,遇到使用外挂的人时,大家就一起投诉他,把他踢出房间。记住,按规则玩游戏,游戏才更有意义! 不过,大家玩游戏一定要适可而止,千万别为了玩游戏而耽误学习,一定要劳逸结合,这样既可保护视力,又可提高学习效率。


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