

01月10日 编辑 39baobao.com

[中考英语作文写作方法有哪些]英语写作是中考中检测学生语言应用能力的最重要部分。提高中考写作水平,需要有效的训练。正确无误的造句能力和各种文体的写作技巧,两者缺一不可。 正确无误的造句能力这得从...+阅读

专八模拟试题 Some people believe that university students should be required to attend classes。 Others believe that going to classes should be optional for students。 Which point of view do you agree with? Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer。 参考范文 Some people may believe that going to classes should be optional, but I disagree。 I don't understand how university students can expect to learn anything if they don't attend classes。

Personal experience can help people learn about themselves and the world outside the classroom, but when it comes to learning about academic subjects, students need to be in class。 In class they receive the benefit of the teacher's knowledge。 The best teachers do more than just go over the material in than class textbook。 They draw their students into discussion of the material。 They present opposing points of view。 They schedule guest speakers to come, give the students additional information, or show documentary films on the subject。

Also, attending classes on any subject teaches more than just facts。 It teaches students how to learn, how to absorb information and then apply what they've learned to other situations。 Their teacher is the best one to help them with these skills。 They can't learn them just by reading the textbook。 Going to class also teaches students how to work with the other members of the class。 Many times students will be given group assignments。

This is different from what they did in secondary school。 Here they're with people from different backgrounds and experiences。 In this situation, they learn how to handle working with people different from themselves to achieve a common goal。 Going to class also teaches students responsibility and discipline。 Having to be at a particular place at a particular time prepares them for getting a job。 Being at a place on time with an assignment completed prepares them for a career。

In short, by going to class students learn more than just information from the teacher。 They also learn how to learn, how to work with others, and how to work responsibly。 These are not optional skills in life, so attending classes should not be optional in college。


中考英语作文的写作方法俗话说“天下文章一大抄”,英语易如此 我们八年级下有文章是关于健康的3a和reading都有,九年级的也有一篇reading (标题好像叫...taste good),在这些篇目里整合一下来写作文,可以...


初中英语作文写作技巧有哪些一、注意审题 小作文的审题(即审读材料)很重要,决定着文章的成败.因为一个小作文的材料中,往往隐含了若干个写作要求,如不细心审读,抓不到这些隐含的要求,就很容易出现错误。 二、...

初中英语作文写作方法我觉得有以下6点: 1.审题仔细。要仔细阅读题目,揣测老师的出题意图,不要因为审题失误而失分,这是最可惜的。 2.抓关键词。根据题目和后边的提示要迅速捕捉几个关键词,从自己的大...




小学生祖国在我心中应该怎么写作如果你问我,心中什么最美,我会告诉你——祖国;如果你问我,在你心中什么最伟大,我会告诉你——祖国。 从我懂事起,我就知道在世界的东方有一个国家,她的名字叫中国,她就是我们的祖国...

关于阳光的话题作文升格写作指导[关于阳光的话题作文升格写作指导] 关于阳光的话题作文升格写作指导 作者/湖南周启群 【问题文】 阳光,洒进心里 唐佩 清,几年未见,你还好吗?不知为什么,在阳光下无意玩弄手指的...
