

03月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[以这就是我的一本书为题写作文]“书籍是人类进步的阶梯”,书不人类不可缺少的“粮食”。书可以是一本书,也可以是一个人,只要他能教我们知识,让我学得更多,这就是我的一本书。 小学的数学老师余老师就是我心中...+阅读

the best teacher i have ever had was my 7th grade social studies teacher. she was always in a good mood and kept us laughing. she was really young so she acted like us teenagers which made learning fun. if we needed to talk to an adult about a problem we always knew we could come to her and she could help.she always added a fun "twist" on learning which made the topic easy to understand.


Hello,I'm ,I'm12 years old ,I'm a student in Class five Great seven .I like sing songs and play basketball. sometimes,Ialso read books. There are three people in my home:my parents and I, I love them very much . I have lots of friends ,but I also want to make friends with you .

I hope we can be good friends soon!

英文作文 50字说明自己的

hello everyone. my name is Jim.I am eight years old now.I have a lot of hobbies.like reading books,speaking English,playing computer games.and my favorite is making friends.I hope I can make a lot of good friends here.I am easygoing and also like talking with people.I hope I can share my story with you .hope you like me.thanks.大 家好,我叫吉米,我今年8岁了。我有很多爱好,比如看书,说英语,我最喜欢的是交朋友。希望和你们大家成为朋友,我很喜欢和别人谈心,希望和你们分享我的故事,希望你们喜欢我,谢谢。


以这就是爱写一篇作文这就是爱 拿着光盘的那一刻,我顿悟:爱无垠,爱无边,爱无界,让爱住在你的身边。 ——题记 光盘A面 画面上,滚滚江水,瑟瑟秋风,一个身影渐渐清晰。 是他。正值中年的体态如此苍老,未曾谋...


以这就是我为题目的作文300字上这就是我大家好,我的名字叫**.我是一个活泼可爱的小男孩.我很喜欢和别人做朋友,我也很高兴能和大家做好朋友. 我有着一丛乌黑的头发,一双明亮的大眼睛,一个不大不小的鼻子,一张小...

以这就是我为题写一篇500字以上的作文这就是我 一头齐耳短发,一双淡淡的眉毛下镶嵌着一对黑溜溜的眼睛;看上去炯炯有神的;一个高高的鼻子;一张不爱说话的嘴巴,这就是我。 我的爱好非常广泛,音乐.羽毛球.看电视.乒乓球...

这就是我英语作文Hello, everybody! My name is Michael. I'm a happy boy. Because I laugh every day. I have a big family. There are three people in my family, my mother, my father...

以这就是我为题写一篇80个字的英语作文I' m the only one in all of creation2) who has my set of abilities. Oh, there will always be somebody who is better at one of the things I'm good at, but no one...

以这就是我英语作文 80 100词the best teacher i have ever had was my 7th grade social studies teacher. she was always in a good mood and kept us laughing. she was really young so she acted...

以这就是我为题帮忙写一篇作文我是勇敢的星火。见如此情形,是我的,“唉,好吧:“老师,姐姐便一哭二闹就差没上吊了,没有心,一个大度的我! “花的木乃伊!写得这么好。这就是我,一个勇敢追求的我!”“可是,我就喜欢那个!...

以这就是我为主题的作文好开头我们老师昨天也布置这个作业了,我一节课就写完了 ,很好写的。。。你男生女生啊?我发的是男生的啊,如果你是女生,你再跟我说说 我,不愿随波逐流。在《未选择的路》中弗罗斯特曾写过...
