
英语作文How to deal with stress怎样处理压力

01月09日 编辑 39baobao.com

[把生命献给大地作文倡议400字]我第一次读《落叶》时,不觉为落叶而可惜。小小的落叶,虽不是十分美丽,但也是很可爱的。可惜它的生命却十分短暂,来去匆匆,只不过几个月时间。如果人想它那样活着多没意义呀! 然而...+阅读



How to deal with stress

Let me give you some tricks on how to deal with stress. First,Learning how to deal with stress positively takes times. Second,You have to be prepared for the job. Because the pressure often comes from not having the knack of working.Finally, breathe deeply when you're under stress.In short,Knowing how to stay psychologically healthy and deal with dailystress can help you to enjoy life and maintain good relationships.


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