[英语作文 80词内容是如何保护动物]Everyone knows animals are our friends. So we should be friendly to them. But some people kill the rare animals, such as pandas, golden monkeys and so on in ord...+阅读
振动梦想的脚步,去追! 蜗牛缓缓地向着金字塔的顶端爬行, 纵然烈日当头,因为蜗牛相信,我虽 然没有鹰的矫健,但毅力是我最大的 天赋;蜘蛛没有翅膀却可以把网结在 空中,因为蜘蛛相信,梦想是最好的 翅膀;叶子在风雨中飘摇却依然坚守 在枝头,因为叶子相信一生执著的绿 一定会换来一个金色的秋天……而我 相信,为梦想插上翅膀,就一定可以 冲上云霄。
也许路旁的花会笑我,那么累干嘛, 你不过在徒劳罢了。也许空中的鸟会 笑我,飞翔是要有天分的。也许天上 的云会笑我,你和我比还差得远哩。 不过,我会用微笑告诉他们,是会有 太多的坎坷,但我相信天道酬勤。 那个被老师认为是低智商、被学校开 除的孩子不也通过自己的不懈努力成 为“发明大王”了吗?那个屡次遭到编 辑部退稿,穷困潦倒到只得与一只老 鼠为伴的人,不也最终成为享誉世界 的动漫创始人吗?那个渴望成为模 特,却被模特公司拒之门外的女孩, 不也是最终成为令人瞩目的艺人吗? 想到这里,我更加坚信自己有梦想, 就会有希望。
姚明告诉我们:“机会转瞬即逝,努 力了不一定成功,但放弃一定失败。 ”邰丽华告诉我们,命运掌握在每一 个人自己手中,没有人可以打倒我 们。 有谁会想到,那百米的距离不再成为 中国与世界的距离,那几重栏杆不再 成为中国人前进的阻拦,可刘翔说, 我来就是要拿冠军。刘翔的自信为梦 想创造了可能。他的拼搏努力,让中 国的国旗高高飘扬在世界上空。...
英语作文保护动物 80字你看这个行吗 I like animals very much.Animals are our friends. There are lots of animals liveing in danger.Because they have less and less land to live on.They...
保护动物的英语作文八十词With the development of economic,people now living a better life.But at the same time,many of the earth's animals have already died out.Nowdays,more and more an...
保护动物英语作文1.More and more animals are killed by human beings who just for their skin,meat and rare parts for medicine.People catch animals to put them into zoos,which is...
怎样保护动物初二英语作文80词Many wild animals have already died out and hundreds of others are becoming endangered. So it is necessary to protect wild animals. If nothing is done, we may f...
英语作文怎样保护动物80个单词My pet is a lovely dog.Its name is "dian dian".because there are a lot of black circle on its skin.the "dian dian" is very friendly.Many childen like play with him....
关于保护动物的英语作文Milly and Kelly passed the park when they were on the way home .Suddenly ,they caught in sight a beautiful bird singing on the tree.When Kelly enjoy the lovely...
英语作文保护动物为题 80字左右初二等级作文Due to the destruction of mankind, and the loss of Habitat and other factors, the proportion of endangered creatures on Earth is growing at an alarming rate. Pr...
开学第一课以追求梦想题目8001000作文9月1日晚上,我收看了《开学第一课》。今年的主题就是生活中我们常常不经意间提到的——梦想。 说是“不经意”,是因为在我们现在的脑海中,似乎读书考个好成绩是最重要的,“梦想...