

01月09日 编辑 39baobao.com

[我爱我家的作文400字就行谢谢]我爱我家 家是每个孩子成长的摇篮,是每个孩子栖息的港湾。我就有一个温馨、幸福、和睦的家。我爱我家。 我爱我家,一个幸福温暖的家。爸爸妈妈对我百般的疼爱,使我深深地体会到...+阅读

Many wild animals have already died out and hundreds of others are becoming endangered. So it is necessary to protect wild animals. If nothing is done, we may find ourselves alone on the earth. Wild animals are endangered for many reasons. Firstly, the forests where wild animals live are being destroyed. As a result, a lot of animals are losing their habitats. Secondly, many animals are dying out because of pollution. Besides, too much hunting also causes the disappearance of certain species of wild animals. In my opinion, the government should keep people from destroying forests and shut down the factories which pollute rivers and air. And more wildlife centers should also be set up.


我爱我家400字左右的作文我有一个温馨而快乐的家,在这个家里,到处都充满了爱,充满了欢乐。爸爸的幽默,妈妈的和蔼,使我们这个家更加温暖。 一个阳光明媚的早晨,我和爸爸妈妈坐了一夜的火车,来到了首都北京...

作文:我有一个快乐的家 400字左右而且主要写家中有父母等的笑请你打开这扇门吧!这是我的家。家中有老爸有老妈。别害怕,他们亲切可嘉。进来吧!你先别急着回家,看看我家,到底是怎样的家! 一日繁忙在于晨 早晨的阳光照进屋子之前,妈妈总会第一个...

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