
七月份雅思写作重点话题 7分的思路和表达什么样子

01月08日 编辑 39baobao.com

[雅思小作文字数不够会有多少分]关于雅思小作文字数不够扣多少分的问题简单回答一下,希望可以帮助到你。 1、关于字数不够的问题: 如果你的雅思作文字数不够,是肯定会扣分的。规定字数是150个,如果只写到139个,...+阅读

七月份雅思写作重点话题,7分的思路和表达什么样子? | 附 听力练习S3+S47月12日 听力练习练完一定要在下面报一下自己错几个,坚持打卡!现在音频可以暂停和调整位置了不过练习的时候尽量要完整听一次,不要给自己放水哦SECTION 3Questions 21-25Choose the correct letter, A,B or C21 Maria's essay isA better than her previous one.B not quite as good as her previous one.C similar to her previous one.22 The tutor is impressed byA the punctuation.B the spelling.C the style and choice of language.23 The tutor feels that Maria's use od English isA generally acceptable.B very poor.C perfect.24 How does Maria feel about this?A She's very sad.B She's relieved.C She's delighted.25 How does the tutor suggest Maria can improve her spelling?A Use a dictionary.B Use a computer spell checker.C Avoid difficult-to-spell words.Questions 26-30What suggestions does the tutor make? Complete the list below with the correct letters, A, B or C.A EXPAND IT B REDUCE IT C DELETE IT26 The introduction27 Information on the railways28 The quotation from the times29 The conclusion30 The bibliographySECTION 4Questions 31 and 32Choose the correct letters, A, B or C.31 The main problem isA cats in towns.B the poor condition of feral cats.C public awareness.32 Emergency veterinary treatment is provided byA the government.B a small number of people.C nobody.Questions 33-39Complete the sentences below using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDSfor each answer.33 Sterilization is usually performed only on…………………………..34 Sterilization is carried out in…………………35 Cats remain there for………………………..36 To show that an animal has been sterilized, one………………..大家辛苦学习不容易,今天就免费赠送大家四道题,嘿嘿。

听力练习参考答案:SECTION 321-25 ACCBB26-30 BACABSECTION 431 C 32 B33 females//famale cats/animals34 temporary centres35 about/around/approximately 24 hours36 ear is clipped



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