
11 29号的雅思作文会考什么

01月08日 编辑 39baobao.com

[雅思写作时间分配上该如何把握呢]雅思写作部分有2篇作文 要求考生在一小时内完成至少400字的写作任务。由于时间比较短 不少考生因未能合理安排时间 结果没有有效完成任务要求或是未能充分展现自己的英语写...+阅读

一级预测(Highly Possible): 政府决策类 入选理由: 作为两大主流话题之一,上一次被考到还是在8月16日!从29号这次考试到12月的考试,政府类话题有望引来强势回归! 推荐练习真题: The shortage of housing in big cities can cause severe consequences, and only government action can solve the problem. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 二级预测(Possible): 青少年教育类 入选理由: 两大主流话题之一,上一次被考到是9月27号。因此教育类话题同样应该是接下来几次考试的重点关注话题之一。 推荐练习真题:Some people think that universities should provide knowledge and skills related to the future career, but others think the true function of university is to give access to knowledge for its own sake. What is your opinion of the main function of university? 三级预测(Maybe...): 社会现象类 入选理由: 该类话题也蛮久没考了,关注一下! 推荐练习真题: In many countries traditional foods are being replaced by international fast foods. Some people think that there are negative effects on both families and the society. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 图表作文重点关注: Pie Chart


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请帮忙修改一下这个雅思G类小作文感谢信Dear Sue,I am writing to express my sincere thanks to you for assisting me to be prepared for my new terms.(term)As you know, the city of Ottawa, which I will s...


如何搞定雅思书信写作?如何搞定雅思书信写作G类小作文Task One要求在大约18-20分钟的时间内按要求写出一封不少于150字的书信。书信的结构一般包括:称呼语、信的主题内容和结束语三部分。 小编为大家整理了一些雅思书信...

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