
英语作文 On Examination

01月08日 编辑 39baobao.com

[谁知道用心聆听作文该怎么写]听,爱的声音正在响起…… 小时候,父母外出打工,我经常一个人在家。他们不放心我,所以,每天都要打几个,甚至十几个电话回来关照这关照那。对此,我感到十分厌烦。 “叮铃铃……”电话...+阅读

As students, we regularly deal with exams. There are weekly exams, middle term exams, and final exams. These exams are designed to make us study hard, but do they really work that way? I don't think so. Many students I know they just study for exams, not for knowledge. Before the exams, they would memorize everything the teachers said to be important, without really understand the true meaning behind it. So they may get good scores on the exams, but they will forget very soon. That is learning without understanding. In my view, I would like to have fewer exams, but make sure that the students understand the knowledge. Well, it may be difficult, but I think it can be achieved with better and more interesting teaching methods.



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