[学骑自行车四年级作文500字]【评语】:本文介绍了自己是怎么学会骑自行车的,还有不少心里活动的描述,如果能再详细的写自己是怎么学会骑自行车的,文章会更好哦。 【正文】: 放学了,我一个人独自走在大街上,东看...+阅读
Learn to Ride a Bike
This summer holiday, I learnt to ride a bike. Because when I am going to the middle school,
I must go to school by bike. My father bought a new bike for me. In the weekends, he taught
me how to ride it. At first, I was nervous. I always felt that I would fall down from my
bike. My father encouraged me to be brave. And he would help me and protect me. Then I was
not so worried. I could ride it slowly. After two weekends, I learnt it. I could ride it by
myself. I was so excited. My father was proud of me, too.
学骑自行车 Learn to Ride a Bike
This summer holiday, I learnt to ride a bike. Because when I am going to the middle school, I must go to school by bike. My father bought a new bike for me. In the weekends, he taught me how to ride it. At first, I was nervous. I always felt that I would fall down from my bike. My father encouraged me to be brave. And he would help me and protect me. Then I was not so worried. I could ride it slowly. After two weekends, I learnt it. I could ride it by myself. I was so excited. My father was proud of me, too.
Riding a bike to school has been my choice of transportation for years. I really recommend that everybody should do it!
As known, environmental protection is such an urgent issue that everyone of us should be careful with what we do. Riding a bick to school may not change the whole situation, but it does help us reduce the air pollution and save the resources as we can.
Additionally, riding a bike is also a good exercise for us to strengthen ourselves. Everybody just does our body-building on our way to school, which saves us a lot of time and money to go to the gym. Why not?
School is a place to learn knowledge and have fun, so the way to it should also be healthy and positive, right? So from today let's ride to school!
学骑自行车作文 400字我经常在电视上看到一些人在街头玩单车杂技,我十分羡慕。于是我多次请求父母带我去学骑单车,终于有一天妈妈答应我去学骑单车了。 在一个阳光明媚的上午,妈妈带我去一个公园里...
学骑自行车作文童年的趣事数不胜数,但使我多年不忘的还是那第一次骑会自行车的时候。 那天上午,爸爸给我买了一辆崭新的自行车,我爱不释手,但马上发起愁来:我又不会骑,怎么办呢?爸爸看穿了我的心...
学骑自行车作文400算标点学骑自行车 今年寒假,我到爷爷家过年,看到表哥、表姐、表妹都在院子骑着自行车玩耍 爸爸告诉我,学骑自行车必须先从溜车学起,只有基础打牢了,才能灵活自如地骑好自行车。爸爸先给...
学骑自行车的作文怎么写你是不是要一篇原文~~~童年的趣事数不胜数,但使我多年不忘的还是那第一次骑会自行车的时候。 那天上午,爸爸给我买了一辆崭新的自行车,我爱不释手,但马上发起愁来:我又不会骑,怎么...
学骑自行车作文500字我学会骑自行车 今年的四月初五是我的生日,爸爸妈妈送给了我一辆崭新的粉红色自行车。当我看到自行车时,心里十分的高兴。因为我老早就渴望有一辆属于自己的自行车,那是因为我...
学骑自行车的作文第一次骑自行车 每当我看见人们骑着自行车在马路上奔驰,在林间小道上慢驶,那车轮在旋转中飞舞,车铃在快乐地唱着歌时,我总羡慕得不得了。心想,我要是会骑自行车那该多好啊! 机会来...