

01月07日 编辑 39baobao.com

[眼中的春天作文]“草木知春不久归,百般红紫斗芳菲”,“一丛梅粉褪残妆,涂抹新红上海棠”。古人写春的诗固然很美,而我眼中的春天却更有特色。 春天是个慵懒娇气的小姑娘,娇娇弱弱的仿佛林妹妹。...+阅读

Canada has been considered as the most suitable country in the world for human beings. Because of the beautiful natural environment,perfect educational system and favorable social welfare,balanced and united social form, stable public security and multi-cultural social cultures, many people from other countries immigrate there. Its rich natural resources and many advantages make it the most attractive immigrant country. And it provides an immense space for peoples talent developing.

The most benificial thing for settlers in Canada is that permanent resident can enjoy the equal rights and welfare treatment.

For medical treament, all the expenses for seeing a doctor and being hospitalized except oral cavity and ophthalmology are free due to the system of medical insurance for urban workers.

For studying, the government pick up the tab in the way of interest-free loan and free student subsidies for the full-time students above bachelor degree.

For old people, retiree who is 65 years old can accept retirement pay and old-age pension.

There are also many advantages for small children and unemployed people. People can also enjoy the migratory freedom and freedom for choosing a job.

Thus immigration has shaped. For who can resist the attraction of so many advantages?


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