
傲慢与偏见英文读后感 500字

01月07日 编辑 39baobao.com

[爱的教育幼儿园读后感300字]爱的教育》读后感 《爱的教育》是意大利作家亚米契斯的一部著作,他用日记的形式,讲述一个叫安利柯的小男孩在小学四年级时的成长故事,写了他一年中的所见所闻所感. 书中描写了...+阅读

Love seems to be the perpetual theme all over the world. But actually what is love? For most girls in 20s, love may mean everything to them. They seek for love bravely no matter what difficulties they may face. In their eyes, love is pure or even holy. However, those are just an ideal situation, n real life; people tend to find a balance between love and property. Pride and prejudice is Austin's great work. Through the discussion of the different marriages and love, the writer demonstrates her concept about love and marriage: love and marriage is closely associated with property and society, however, love and marriage can not only be decided by the property and social status. An ideal marriage should be based on mutual affection, respect and the same interest. She rejects the marriage based only on wealth. Different people have different ideas upon marriage. By the description and discussion of the four marriages in the novel, we can see that Austen fully expresses her views on love and marriage. Only by appreciating the marriage founded on the basis of mutual understanding and true love, but also by satirizing the marriage founded on the basis of origin and desire. The marriage based on social position and money can't bring happiness in life. Aimless marriage and love are unpractical. Everything goes wrong for poor couples. Marriage based on wealth is not a fault. At least, it can offer us a better condition of life. Property is not everything in the life but without it, we can do nothing. This is called reality. But if you only married for wealth, you sell your liberty. The rest of your life might be miserable, and your marriage will filled with endless bitterness. 我上学期写过这个的读后感,我们要求是一千字,这个是一部分,关于爱情观。



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