

01月07日 编辑 39baobao.com

[叙事作文一件事家规家训范例700]赛家规家训,讲我家的故事 俗话说“国有国法,家有家规”,那么什么是家规呢?带着疑问,我从爸爸那找到了答案.家规、家训其实就是在家庭里形成统一的道德标准,也就是家风.体现着家人...+阅读

Friends are very important to everyone of us. They are the people that we can share our happiness with when we have good time, to seek for supporters when we need the most, to lean on when we want to cry. It takes years to build true friendship but it may take a second to ruin it if we don't cherish it or keep nursing it. To have great friends, you need to be a good friend to others by being sincere, being available, being empathy and being honest. Among all the efforts to maintaining the true friendship, being honest probably is the most important one. Like Confucius said:"don't treat others in the way you don't want to be treated", if you want an honest friend, you've got to be one first. Honesty is the foundation to build up friendship. Having all that said, being honest doesn't give you right to be overbearing. You still need to be sensible and respectable enough to protect your friend's feelings. Your honest can't be used as an excuse to hurt other, which unfortunately we do sometimes. Friendship is the blessing we get from God, let's not take it for granted.



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