
How to learn English的英语作文

02月12日 编辑 39baobao.com

How to Learn English Well How to Learn English Well Nowadays, English has become a universal language. It is quite necessary and very important for us to learn English well. But the fact is that not everyone is lucky enough to succeed in this long-term language learning. There are two reasons for it: the lack of proper psychological preparation and the lack of good methods of language learning. Proper psychological preparation Proper psychological preparation here means positive attitude towards what you are doing。

As we all know,whatever we do,we cannot avoid meeting with all kinds of difficulties。It is the same with our language learning。So what kind of state of mine should we have under such circumstances? Now think before answering the following questions about how we have been learning English。 1。How did you feel when you first began to learn English? Whenever you come to any difficulties,anything you don't understand, what would you do ? 2。

When you have to remember more and more words and grammars and find it hard to do so,how do you feel? Do you still feel it a joy or a headache to go on learning? What would you do? If your answers to the questions above are affirmative。 That means you have fully prepared for your language learning psychologically。If not,you'll have to readjust your attitude towards your language learning。What I suggest is that,if you really what to learn English well, you should,first of all remember three very important words—confidence,determination and perseverance。

That is,whatever we do,we should always believe in ourselves,and once we have made up our mind to do something,we should try our best to do it well。What's more,not matter what difficulties we may come across,we should not be discouraged,nor should we give up。Instead,we should keep on trying until we succeed。 Learning English is like one of the adventures in our life, the success of which depends first on our positive attitude towards it。

So remember: never be discouraged in face of difficulties。Always have confidence,determination and perseverance and we'll sooner or later make our mark in our language learning。 Methodological preparation But it's not enough just to have confidence,determination and perseverance in language learning。We'll have to find out an effective way to make ourselves an efficient learner of the English language。But before doing that, we should ,first all,have a clear idea about the following two points。

1。Language learning doesn't mean memorizing a lot of words and grammatical rules,for they are just tools that can help you to learn a language more rapidly。But learning about a language is not the same as learning to use the language。 2。Doing a lot of tests is not the way to learn a language, for a written exam is just a means to check how well you have learned about the language。 So high marks can not stand for one's all-round abilities。

Then what is the correct way of learning a language? Firstly, you'll have to know what's the language for。 In short, it's for the exchange of ideas,for communication。So the purpose of our learning a language is to understand and to be understood。That is by developing the four basic skills of listening,speaking,reading and writing simultaneously。Therefore the ability to communicate cannot be acquired unless the language is learnt in a communicative way。

So ,while learning a language,you'll have to put emphasis on listening and speaking as well as reading and writing。Secondly,you should overcome the idea of losing face,if you make mistakes。As a matter of fact,westerners respect and help people who try—no matter how many mistakes they make; they have no respect for people who do not try for fear of making mistakes。If you hesitate to speak English because you are afraid of making mistakes,you simply will never learn English well。

You cannot just think and talk about learning English; it's something you have to do, a physical activity. So don't be shy, don't be passive, and don't be lazy. And above all, don't be afraid of making mistakes and don't be afraid of asking questions. Remember: there's nothing wrong with not knowing, but there is something wrong with not asking. Moreover, we should learn to be an active learner. It's not enough just to do what our teacher asks us to do in class. The most important thing for us to do is to try to be a master of our own., that is, we'll have to learn to do what we should do willingly after class in our spare time. Therefore, we should learn to depend on ourselves and nobody else is ...
