

01月06日 编辑 39baobao.com


love my school The Hey Hey …… I know this article is not how, but the everybody also appreciates a face to see somehow?This is my composition of period primary school to collect.If have the place of the shortage, still ask everybody to give advice or comments!Thanks!!!Wanting to see hard then can beat to write the comment separately~~~~~ Already grade five, will rise into the junior high school next year, the farewell mother school.Thought of to want to leave the mother school right away, in the heart not from produce a kind of reluctant to part with the …… School in, there is kindly president, there is industrious teacher, still solidifying the kind classmate …… at school, had many teachers to give public recognition me, but in the long river of my memory gradual disappearance;Also had some teachers to criticize me, that is like to engrave in my brain, left the deep-rooted recollection to me. That is the time of my grade three, because of found of playing, but the writing" important event" of the industry to forget.The second day, the teacher wants to make selective check the homework, the old day refuses stubborn to make beautiful, the teacher is" heartless" my homework originally to accepted to walk.On that book what also did not write, my in the mind is jittery, really wanting to let time solidify there, because I know be the teacher looks up the true facts future reunion to me a what kind of punishment. God's justice is all-encompassing, 疏 but gastight.End, I still difficult escape teacher's" the method eye".Somehow or other, the teacher did not punish me, keeping stare at I see.Good heavens!This still compare a heartless whip son to take out to beat me suffered!I am simply ashamed!End, the teacher said helplessly a:" You make me disappoint too!" I cried, cry of feel sad so, was filled with the regret in eye.From now on, I complete each mission that teacher arrange hard. Our school is a solidify kind everyone's court.At the here, we can feel the warmth of the sort of come home the court, the classmates are never for a little small matter but quarrel, all getting along with very mutually agreeable, very happy.The teacher helps us at the time of we have difficultly;At the time of we fail, the teacher encourages us;When we make the mistake, the teacher earnestlies instruct us.Teacher to our concern, be like kindly influence of teacher and similar, moisten our young and small mind! The really fine of this school, I love my school!!!


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