
英语作文 how to make friends

01月03日 编辑 39baobao.com

[八百字作文以读书希望为主题]这是议论文 可以分类讨论 1、例句读书获得的成就 读书的好处 读书带给人怎么的情操 拥有知识就是希望 读书拯救了一个人的心灵 等等 2、一个民族缺少的有内涵的人,如果没有文...+阅读

Every person in this world are the needs of friends, so what friends are very important.When you make friends when you first want to others, it's their right to others, others will equally Hello, this is the same principles.In life, you may be exposed to many different people. Anytime, anywhere you want to learn to care for others, as do friends, certainly can not laugh at other people, do not Yimaoquren.If you want to become friends with him, it is the first to remember his name, if you can not even remember his name, then others will think you are inadvertently making friends with him.Friends inevitable quarrel, in which case, you should not blindly the quarrel with others. Among friends, if often quarrel to maintain such a friendship is not how long! As the saying goes good: "zeroing." Treat others as long as you mean it, not abandon them in times of crisis, then you will have some enviable friendship. 译文:每个人在这世界上都是需要朋友的,所以,怎样朋友是很重要的。


朋友之间难免会有口角之争,遇到这种情况的话,你不要一味的同他人争吵。朋友之间,若是时常争吵这样的友情是不会维持多久的!俗话说的好:“患难见真情”。只要你真心的对待他人,不在危机的时候背弃他们,那么你就会有一段令人羡慕的友情。 这是我自己写的,水平有限,你自己再改一改吧!^-^


800字左右的新生活新希望相关的作文一个漫长的暑假已过去,迎来的是一个美好的秋天.在这丹桂飘香,金秋收获的季节里,新的一学期又开始了,迎着早晨的第一缕阳光,我们又重新回到美丽的校园,开始了新一学期的征途. 在过...


作文一篇800字左右叙事作文内容考试失败心情差得到启示心情好初我同意楼上 补充: 真正的朋友最近,我发现在班上,常常会有些同学表里不一,私下说别人坏话的人。 我在想真正的朋友,不就是会在自己最无助的时候,给予最温暖的支持吗?会站在朋友的立...



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