

01月03日 编辑 39baobao.com

[考研英语写作如何写出高分作文]你好,英语写作,是对于语言掌握程度的最高级别的检验,要想在考场上顺利写出高分作文,需要在平时复习过程中好好修炼,打下三个基础。 一、语法 考研阶段的英语,比中高考和四六级档次...+阅读

This year,I have been to Beijing three times.Beijing is a good place to have fun.There are many place with a long history..First,I had a good time in the Palace Museum, Then I visitde Summer Place.That's a paradise on earth.There is tall trees,colorful flowers,clean rivers and long halls.I even climbed the Great Wall,you know what?It was built about 2000 years ago. It is about 6000 kilometers long.I was very tired when climbed up the top of the Great Wall.in the end,I went to Bird's Nest and The Water Cube .I took many pictures of them.In there, I saw many foreigners,and talked with them.That help my English get good grades. Come to Beijing,it has many surprises for you,you will enjoy yourself in Beijing.


考研英语作文怎么写?如何得高分南京太奇考研告诉您: 考研英语作文怎么写?这对大部分的考研朋友而言都是值得探讨的问题。有些考生对作文复习不太认真,准确的说是没有完整的思路,不知道从何下手,更何况是高分。...

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