

01月03日 编辑 39baobao.com

[以信心的力量为题写篇800作文]牛年已来到,虽然现在还是寒冷的天气,但我们都能感觉到一丝丝暖意,心情在悄悄地舒展,心花在静静地绽放…… 面对2009,这片湛蓝的天空,深邃的星空,我们把阳光和寒风捏在一起;把希望和...+阅读

An unforgettable thing I have the impression there are many memorable things, but it is most impressive thing so far can not be indelible. On one occasion, I birthday. And go to the store to buy my mother a birthday cake. To the shop, a cake is placed in the cupboard, the dazzling, as if to say: "choose me, choose me ... ..." I chose a chocolate cake, just to pay to see the labels of the cake " eggs, "the word written in the New Year's Day," Dan "is used. I would like to: "I am writing to tell Aunt things typo listen? Or turn a blind eye to it?" Sour, sweet, bitter, spicy ... ... my heart seemed to put a bottle flavors. Finally, I decided to tell her aunt. I feel nervous with the Bank of Taiwan to pay up, to jump the heart thump thump. Of the aunt said: "Auntie, this cake is the 'egg' was wrong word, it should be egg 'egg' word." My voice getting lower and lower weight. Aunt used to think that will be furious, but she gently said to me: "the children, I am sorry ah, I'll change the typo." Her mother saw that he came to praise me, I was the pleased . This matter, I will never forget it, let me understand: someone found a mistake, do not flinch, afraid that people may not accept your criticism, we should boldly stand up for him to correct mistakes



急信念的力量的作文作文什么的。。。自己写比较好吧。。。而且大家作文水平都不一样。。。被老师发现是抄的就惨了。。。《信念的力量》 人是为什么而活?又是什么在支撑着人们努力奋发?其实,这不...

关于五年级理想的光辉信念的力量作文我最喜欢的一则格言 在我的格言本里,有成千上万句格言,其中我最喜欢的是:“如果你丧失了勇气,那么你就是失去了一切.”这句名言给了我很大的启发. 那是暑假的一天,我的爸爸叫给我...

信念给我力量 600字作文信念是人们心中的希望,他能唤起人们对美好事物的向往,激励人们摆着不折不挠的追求。 坚定信念,成就未来。 人生需要信念,需要勇气,需要毅力。只有坚定信念的人,才能拥有玫瑰的芬芳...


2011各地高考搞笑作文有哪些江苏——《拒绝平庸》 为什么我要拒绝平庸?因为我过的是绿色生活!为什么我过的是绿色生活?因为这是哥品味的时尚!为什么我要品味时尚?因为哥是一个有好奇心的孩子!为什么我有好奇...



一件令人难忘的事情英语作文One day Mon said to me "I love you.son" I was very happy that day and went to school. 6 o'clock in the afternoon,i went back home.Dad was also back and there was...
