

01月02日 编辑 39baobao.com

[5年级生活的例子母爱的作文400字]母爱 总有一个人将我们支撑,总有一种爱让我们心痛。这个人就是母亲,这种爱就是母爱。母爱是伟大的,淋浴着母爱的人是幸福的。 --题记 母爱是一缕阳光,让你的心灵即便在寒冷的冬...+阅读

How long can human life on earth? Involving sustainable development strategy, it was the earth for human survival and development of any of the resources, also involved in the external environment of the earth will remain unchanged in many years.

According to the theory of modern astronomers, the sun will be sustained and stable to provide heat and light to the earth, , the earth around the sun, the average radius will remain unchanged for a long time, up to a tiny swing, this process will continue for at least 4 billion. For more than 4 billion years later, the earth shake a shake immediately & quot; . As for humans, but cannot afford the any shaking of the earth!The sun to the earth, however, continue to provide 40 million years of light and heat is no problem,, because in the 40 million s, the consumed energy is less than 1% of the total sun! at least on the earth in a human can survive continuously in 40 million for the goal!.

The sun is the earth the most important factor in the external environment. how long can we live in the earth?


五年级上册语文作文一一母爱400字体现出母亲对我的爱妈妈对我的爱,就象天上的星星数也数不清. 一个星期六,我和妈妈去伯伯任教的学校里打篮球,打着打着,我觉得累了,就去爬双杠,突然,我不小心摔了下来,妈妈急忙把我扶起来,关切的问:"没事吧...

5年级关于感恩母亲的作文世上有一种爱最伟大,那就是母爱!世上有一个人最值得我们回报,那就是母亲! 是啊,转眼间我已经九岁了,在这九年的时间里,您为我付出很多很多。我要感谢您—母亲,感谢您赐予了我生命。...

国庆节出去旅游作文150字说起旅游,想必大家都有过吧!那你在旅游时,去过什么地方呢?以下是我为大家介绍的三个著名的旅游景点。 五台山,又称清凉山,位于山西省东北部,它是我国四大佛教名山之一。五台山佛教...


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