

01月02日 编辑 39baobao.com


Previously, I always talked her out of last night to the water dripping from the night, tomorrow morning, the refrigerator full of messy things. In this way, waste water, waste of electricity ... ... Now, I have heard in the advocacy of urban low-carbon life, I gradually some understand. I started the "low-carbon life." First, low-carbon way of life, that is, pay attention to the details of life saving and cost reduction. In addition to homework must turn on the lights, the other things that are by lighting lamps to help solve the problem out the window. Because of our large living room, the lights shone through the window can be striking to see the interior of all, food, really like a table "candlelight dinner", and it was a great light, "natural light ah!" As long as I wash players, they regarded the tightly screw the tap, allow the water to "escape" out, so I can relax. But I do worry about Mom and Dad will each see the father and mother into the bathroom and wash their hands comes naturally and turn tight, I am very happy, I hope the "carbon family" will do better. Refrigerator mess things stood, his mother said he was a waste of electricity, I had an idea, come up with a clever move: So I picked up before the mountains of cardboard, put it into a box of varying size, the above paste on the various categories of signs, then, to organize by category, soon, the refrigerator becomes clean and tidy, new look, a neat place to see things. Thus, not only helped us, but also save electricity. Original, electrical drives, even the little cell phone battery when plugged in the outlet would be terrible emissions of carbon dioxide, as long as the fully charged battery should be removed immediately. I thought, only carbon dioxide, car exhaust, coal combustion emissions of these will be, did not expect everything in life has a weak "C" in violation of our lives and our planet. When I saw my mother washing the barrel should throw away, I was to go to stop. I will put it into a small trash can, some like a doll, pink Doodle face, very cute! Some of it's like a small animal, vivid, and really like a beautiful "scenery"! When night fell, after dinner, roadside neon glory to add a night, Dad always at home all the lights are turned off, leaving only a pitch-dark in the dark, and then, lying on the windows, enjoy the scenery while the roadside, while singing a song: "The Moon Represents My Heart ... ..." It's tone deaf, a mess. Growing Flowers is a loving mother. House spider plant, ivy is green all year round. In each scorching summer, my mother always put flowers move house, we looked at the green, allow smoking that are green, heart suddenly felt faint trace of coolness, there is a good air is seductive, really kill two birds with ah! Such a good home environment, and full of innovative small joy.



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