

01月01日 编辑 39baobao.com

[急求一篇英语作文关于家庭教育的母亲溺爱孩子爸爸对孩子严格]The problem of spoiling children has been common these days. With the development of economy and technology, the quality of life has become better and better. A...+阅读


文明礼仪是我们学习、生活的根基,是我们健康成长的臂膀。没有了文明,就没有了基本的道德底线,那我们纵然拥有了高深的科学文化知识,对人对已对社会又有何用?千学万学学做真人,说的就是学习应先学做人, 学做文明人,学做社会人, 清洁环境,文明校园,从我做起,从每一件小事做起,让文明礼仪之花在校园处处盛开。 英文; A mother is riding a bike with a young daughter. Child accidentally, in the hands of biscuits out on the ground. Mother immediately stopped, whispered to her daughter said, "come, let's throw it into the trash can." Said the baby down, they bent down to go to pick up the ground crumbled cookies. Is this a common scene, can let a person remember a word: quality, is a kind of habit. Think about it, isn't it? Regardless of the mother, or child how civilized quality in the future, already had the answer in this detail. Civilization etiquette is the foundation of our study and life, is the healthy growth of our arms. No civilization, there is no basic moral bottom line, that if we have the advanced scientific and cultural knowledge, and good for people to have in society? Qian Wan Xuexue do reality, say is learning should learn to be a person, do civilized people learn, learn to do social people, clean environment, civilized campus, starts from me, start from every little thing, let the flower of civilization etiquette on campus in full bloom everywhere. 不好意思,如果有错请谅解


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