

01月01日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英语作文我爱运动35字]I love sports. I love all kind of sports. I can't stay inside the house for a long time. When I have spare time, I will go out to play sports. If it is convenie...+阅读

For the healthy growth of children, parents should give full of love, but the kids love becomes excessive indulgence, and spoil, and indulge in children's health is harmful. So, what show is spoiling?1, parents, children, responsive subjugate, no principles, not can request.2 all the children, including children, take care of yourself, excessive can do or should do not let children do.3 and the children to provide superior material life too, even more than the family of normal economic capacity.4, don't give them the difficulty and the tough environment contact, don't let the children a grievance.5, often boast in your child's strengths and advantages, and disadvantages for children everywhere. In addition, parents should also realize that, although the spoiled child may be healthy and smart. But these children are non-intelligent quality defects such as capricious, selfish, dependence and strong, not equal treatment, weak character, it will affect the normal development of the child intelligence. These children grew up, difficult to adapt to the normal social life and competitive environment, and may produce behavior problems.Some parents to their children "deeply worries and spoil the child". The so-called "spoil the child" is that child doesn't have become parents to education, or it is the root cause of the problem, or parents. Parents should reflect: we give the children what kind of education and influence, the child really lack? A child is the lack of comprehensive seems the following aspects of education:1 the lofty ideal, lack of education. There are many children want to grow "when the boss", "when the big officer", actually this is parents (and some social thoughts in children eager).2, the lack of education ideas. From the parents of moral behavior reflected on the influence of the concept of children is not underestimate.3, lack of good habits. If parents without reading habit of learning, and to treat gifts, beer and skittles relish, this is not required children study hard.4 and lack of setback education. The children of parents spoiling children live like "prince" or "princess", and indulge in more than children may not have bundle, strong ability of setbacks, also hard to overcome the difficulties and coastal road setbacks. 为了孩子健康成长,父母应该给予孩子充分的爱,但爱得过度就变成了溺爱,溺爱和放任一样,对孩子的健康都是有害的。那么,溺爱有哪些表现呢?





5、常当众夸耀孩子的长处和优点,处处为孩子的缺点辩解。另外,家长还应该认识到,虽然,被溺爱的孩子可能身体健康、聪明伶俐。但这些孩子的非智力素质却存在缺陷,如任性、自私、依赖性强、不能与人平等相处、性格软弱等,这必然影响孩子智力的正常发展。这些孩子长大后,难以适应正常的社会生活和竞争环境,还有可能产生行为问题。 些家长对自己的孩子“不成器”深感烦恼和困惑。所谓“不成器”是家长认为孩子不具备成材条件或难以教育,其实出现这个问题的根本原因,还是在家长身上。家长应该进行反思:我们给予了孩子什么样的教育和影响,孩子到底缺少什么?综合看来孩子不成器是缺少以下几个方面的教育:






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