

12月24日 编辑 39baobao.com

[初三友谊作文 600字]那一次,我读懂了友谊 时间一去不复返,我们要珍惜身边的每一位好朋友,因为有他们,我们的生活才会变得充实而快乐。 ----题记 世界因生命而精彩,而我们因朋友而快乐。没有朋友的人...+阅读



My dream house

House, it's very important for us, because we must study, live ,and sleep in it .

My dream house is very different from the usual house. I would like to introduce it to you if you are interested in it.

The shape of my dream house like a strawberry; the roof if green, and walls are red.

Let's enter my dream house and look around: it consists of a living-room, a study-room, a bedroom, and a bathroom. The wall of the bedroom is covered with mink, so that I can sleep with a sweet dream and feel more comfortable. There are a lot of things in my house ----such as computers,televisions, telephones, tables, beds, and so on. Of course, the cost of my dream house is very big, too.

How can make my dream come true? We will realize it only by our hard working.






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